The Media’s Ahh-Gender
Not often will you hear me discussing anything that is being broadcast on the news or in magazines as I try to avoid as much negative media coverage as I can and the last time I checked, the negative coverage sort of outweighs the positive. I run into a bit of news on Facebook from time…
How To Bring Out My Inner Beast
I’ve worked retail for 30 years so the fact that my sanity is only questioned occasionally amazes me! I have learned that the most ugly and unpleasant people have issues before they even set foot in your store so when they throw their childish fits and snooty little tantrums I’m ready. They usually…
Missing Yellow Ribbons
For years the neighbors planted a garden on the very back corner of their lot that butted up to the very edge of our yard. Perhaps I’m wrong, but every year it seemed like the tilled ground of their garden began to creep further and further onto our property. People coming to visit would often…
Don’s “Rare” Find
I just finished reading a story on Facebook about four women that chose to attend a meeting in outfits that left very little to the imagination. There was a lot of cleavage and more bare skin than there probably needed to be and the chairman chose to address these women and the choices they made…
The Shining Stars
Tonight, while at work, I felt the need to jot down some thoughts on a yellow post-it note and then, because I had no pockets, I tucked it in my bra. I went about my evening doing all the things I normally do when I close the store and the only thing that made tonight…
The “Cheeseburger” Payment Option
I’m sure you’ve had experiences that will most likely stay with you for the rest of your life. As I grow older, I’ve noticed my memory isn’t what it was when I was in my 20’s but my niece said something last night that tickled me and I am quite certain this is one that…
The Little Hammers
As I near the ripe old age of 50, my body has decided to send me some rather interesting messages. I’m never sure when the hands of fate will deliver them so I’ve learned that I need to be prepared 100% of the time. In my 20’s you never would have found a full size…
Paying With A Smile
Have you ever bought a pair of earrings with a smile? That was the going price on the most unique pair of earrings I had seen in awhile. I ran across them last Saturday as I was leaving work. Typically costume jewelry will be silver or gold colored but the hardware on these were copper colored. They…
The Answer
Can you solve this riddle? I’m betting there are no other statements in the world more true than the one I live by, laugh at and love. It’s short and to the point. It eases stress if you believe it. It helps you laugh at yourself when you’ve really messed up and it’s the key…
Smiley Smiled!
I worked until closing tonight and a woman that was given the nickname “Smiley” came in to shop. I’m not sure why, but she is showing up at the store several hours before we close now and she used to be the one that liked to show up a few minutes before closing time and…