Category: Uncategorized

  • Heart “Strings”

    When my first marriage ended I took a leap of faith. Translated that means I didn’t sign an apartment lease but rather asked if my mother would rent me my old bedroom until I decided what my plan of real action would be. It wasn’t ideal as she treated me as if I was 16…

  • Pushed Pins

    A few weeks ago I met a young woman. She was very tall and thin. I would guess her to be around 22 years old and she had two of the saddest eyes I have ever seen. Over the course of the very short amount of time I worked with her I made several attempts…

  • A Good Place To Finally Be!

    For as long as I can remember I was convinced I was never going to measure up to others.  What’s unfortunate is that I based every ounce of my personal assessment on what people saw on the outside.  I was fatter than all the other kids in my class which made most physical activities more…

  • The Chance To Change

    “My son loved bright green and black so if we can work those colors in, it would be great.” These are the words I heard from the guy that had just laid out a picture of himself and his son, two guitar picks and a ticket stub from a Metallica concert they attended last September.…

  • Where’s My Ribbon?

    If you’re ever curious about how some (not all) pampered, protected kids that are given everything, made to believe the entire universe revolves around them and receive trophies for simply agreeing to participate turn out, start a business, interview and hire them and then watch your business fail in 30 days or less. Of course…

  • The “Bevitized” Christmas Letter

    I’m not sure about you,  but I’m a very visual person.  When I look at something,  it’s almost as if I can hear my “shutter button” snap and what I see is captured in my memory.  When I tell stories, I have a tendency to add as many details as possible so that my listener…

  • “Mileage” Added To My Faith Journey

    I’m sure you’ve heard the words “faith journey” before.  People talk about their personal experiences throughout their lifetimes and share stories of how their faith has been strengthened and challenged and even rerouted at times. I have my very own set of stories and what I find most interesting about my “faith journey” is how…

  • Brisk Steps = Empowering Thoughts

    Life is such a fascinating process.  If I had a dime for every time I’ve uttered those words I probably wouldn’t be a very rich woman but I’d have a rather enormous pile of dimes. At times I ponder all the amazing moments that have arrived in my life and all the experience I’ve gained…

  • Navigating My Current Theme

    If you click on a link via Facebook you might be somewhat frustrated by the fact that you are only able to read that particular post.  With the theme I am currently using there are three dots located at the top of the title for the post you are reading. If you click on the green…

  • The Optimism Option

    My day got off to one of those starts that was, in my opinion, comparable to the feeling you might experience when a brick wall appears out of nowhere and stops you dead in your tracks.  You’d be kidding yourself if you said you didn’t have those days.  Everybody does and I’ve learned over time…