Category: Just For Fun

  • An Employee Designed List Of Shopping Guidelines

    The Top 10 Guidelines Shoppers Should Follow To Make Their Fabric Store Experience Rewarding For Themselves And Everyone Else In The Store Including The Employees 1.  If you’ve let your kids OD on sugar, leave them home.  Our walls are already taken by the overworked employees bouncing off of them and we have no other…

  • Yep, I’m Fuddy Duddy

    I just read about a town in Louisiana that is fining people for wearing their pants too low, exposing too much flesh and/or undergarments!  I’m not sure if it’s true as I don’t belief everything I read but wouldn’t it be cool if it was? This information shifted my overly active thought process into high…

  • Cracking The Whip

    It was a rather uneventful day.  I like those sometimes.  They give a person a chance to build up a bit of extra resistance we sometimes need when the going gets tough.  There’s only one problem with days like this though.  I will almost always have at least one moment when the filter between my…

  • Do You Know Evelyn, Arlene, Jeremy or Wendy

    I’m sure you remember the post entitled “Please Leave A Message After The Tone.”  I shared it a while back telling you all about the messages we’ve received on our answering machine for a woman named Evelyn and a woman named Arlene.  If you haven’t read it you might want to as it contains information…

  • Celebrating The Little Things

    There is a gnat keeping me company at the moment.  It’s probably one of the smallest I have ever seen in my entire life which is making it incredibly hard to catch between my two outstretched palms.  A few seconds ago it landed on the computer screen giving me an opportunity to remove it from…

  • An Unusual Way To Go

    Don and I were talking about my blog and he suggested I should stir things up a bit and throw in something that would potentially cause a spike in readership.  He’s a guy and we girls know how guys think and he suggested I throw in a body part just to see what happens.  I…

  • One Becky & One Bev

    My sister and I have been told we look a lot alike by a lot of people over the years.  Due to the fact that she lives closer to where we grew up and frequently visits some of the towns I’ve worked in, it’s not uncommon for her to run into all sorts of people…

  • I Waited For The Movie

    A few years ago I began reading “Fifty Shades of Grey” but it didn’t take long for me to  see where the story was headed and I lost interest.  I think it’s still sitting on the night stand in the bedroom I stayed in when I was living at my mom’s house.  Perhaps my life…

  • Little Gestures

    If you ever want to be incredibly entertained and happy beyond belief some would say it’s up to you and that you and only you are responsible for your own happiness.  I can’t say I disagree 100% but surrounding yourself with awesome people also helps. This past weekend Don and I were able to get…

  • I’ve Been Here A Year!

    Last year on Memorial Day weekend I made my move to a city with 67,034 people.  To some this wouldn’t be a big deal but when you move from a town with a population of 128, it’s quite a change!  I’m here to tell you, going from zero stop lights and no, no one is…