Category: I Remember When

  • “Fixes” For My “Brokens”

    When I hear about parents taking their babies to dentists before they have teeth and to chiropractors and doctors regularly, I’m often times, completely amazed.  I’m not saying there is anything wrong with that, it’s just so different than when I was a kid.  I remember seeing a doctor once as a child but I’m told there…

  • Disguised Blessings

    I learned years ago not to get my hopes up for something that may or may not happen.  Don and I make tentative plans but I’m never sure if they’ll unfold without wrinkles as his work schedule is very unpredictable and can sometimes be very demanding.  He’s sort of like a doctor but his patients…

  • A Quite Frazzled Delivery Person

      A bunch of years ago I worked as a floral designer for a small flower shop.  When I first started, I worked with another designer but eventually he moved on and I became the main florist.  There was a woman hired part time to assist me with corsages and boutonnieres for an upcoming wedding…

  • The Fly Did Not Survive…

    Do you worry about things?  Have you ever allowed yourself to be so consumed by worry that you actually shortened the time you could have actually been enjoying something? Personally, I think we all have things that bother us from time to time and worrying about the outcome just usually happens.  I’ve heard worrying is…

  • Temptation & Forgiveness

    Having a baby sister is probably one of the worst things that ever happened to my sister and brother.  They both agree I was spoiled and got out of doing a lot of dirty work because I was the baby.  I’m not sure if they’ve ever thought about the fact that I didn’t choose our…

  • A Priceless Bond

                       Happy National Siblings Day                     In honor of National Siblings Day I’ve decided to share a picture of my big sister, my big brother and me.  It was probably taken in 1969.  I know for sure we…

  • His Aim Was Spot On

    I had a nose bleed the other day and for some reason it made me think of two separate memories.  How strange is that?  I know, it’s strange but the memories are sort of funny….sort of…..okay, maybe for an innocent bystander.  The first one was when my big sister became a contestant in a spelling…

  • It Runs

    Every day, as I head off to work, I drive past a parking lot filled with shiny new and slightly used vehicles.  At first glance one might think it’s an automobile dealership but it’s a parking lot for the adjacent high school.  I’m not jealous that all of those teens are driving vehicles nicer than…

  • Not So Groovy Gravy

    For many years Thanksgiving was celebrated at my parent’s house, Christmas was celebrated at my sister’s house and Easter became our holiday after I got married.  I’ll never forget the very first year I became the Easter hostess and I know the kitchen curtains and drain in the sink won’t either. I’m not sure what…

  • A Very Unique Way To Prevent Wrinkles

    Having a big sister is wonderful.  I’ve had mine now for almost 50 years and I wouldn’t give her up for anything in the world.  Oh, we’ve had our ups and downs over the years but most of the rough stuff was over and done with by the time I was 10.  The only visible…