Little Gestures

If you ever want to be incredibly entertained and happy beyond belief some would say it’s up to you and that you and only you are responsible for your own happiness.  I can’t say I disagree 100% but surrounding yourself with awesome people also helps.

This past weekend Don and I were able to get away and connect with both of our families and we had the most amazing time.  We returned home after 3 days, completely wiped out and ready for bed very early!  I usually unwind a bit and sit at my computer for at least an hour but that just wasn’t going to happen last night.  Instead I was reminiscing about our fabulous weekend and before long, I was sound asleep.

As I was pondering what to write today I got to thinking about how funny life is and how easy it is to sometimes get sidetracked and talk myself into believing how much more perfect things could be if I had a better paying job and if I weighed less and if we owned a home and then I go through the messages that have piled up in my subconscious mind and I realize, once again,  how incredibly blessed I am and I’ve learned that some of the littlest gestures create some of the warmest sensations our hearts will ever know.

On Sunday we were celebrating Don’s birthday at my brother’s shop.  There were several people there including two adorable little sisters.  One is 4 and the other is around 7.  They are both amazing but each has her own very distinct personality.  The 7 year old is very pleasant, easy going and has a very tender heart.  Her little sister is a ball of fire.  She is full of spunk and spontaneity and not even she knows what might pop out of her mouth next.

My sister got into a conversation with the older sister about her garden and before long I was being asked if I wanted to join them in a walk to see this garden.  I said I would and as we were walking I said I had to go to the bathroom.  Without so much as a blink of an eye I felt the tiny little hand and five little fingers of the little sister wrap themselves around my larger hand and fingers and she said, “I’m going to take you potty first.”  I’m thankful I was taller than her for two reasons.  She didn’t see me looking down enjoying the glance I took of her determined little face that had snapped into “motherly mode” and she didn’t see me biting my lip so I wouldn’t laugh.  I just let her lead me to the restroom and I took care of my business.

As we departed from our rest stop she decided she sort of liked holding my hand so even though her motherly mission was complete, the hand holding continued.  It took on a much different style that contained a lot of swinging back and forth and silly stuff but it still revealed her kind and loving heart that is sometimes cleverly disguised by her spunk and spontaneity!

I absolutely love spending time with family and friends and I always look forward to our next gathering which will most likely be sometime in late July when I turn 50.  I have been told not to plan anything and not to worry about what is going to happen so I’m not thinking about it but if it’s anything like this last get together when someone offered to “take me potty” I’m going to feel way younger than my actual age!  You’ve got to cherish those “little gestures.”


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