The Chance To Change

“My son loved bright green and black so if we can work those colors in, it would be great.” These are the words I heard from the guy that had just laid out a picture of himself and his son, two guitar picks and a ticket stub from a Metallica concert they attended last September.

“I thought to myself, he said “loved.” My mind started putting a few things together as I sorted through my mat samples for the perfect black and bright green mats. Once I found them I glanced up and saw an expression on my customer’s face that could only mean one thing. He probably knew I would wonder why there were tears in his eyes and eventually he gathered the courage to say, “We had so much fun at this concert. If only I had known then that I would never get that chance again. My son died in April from complications of asthma.”

It’s not easy to find the right words to say when someone bears an open wound to you but I’m learning that most people love it when you talk about and ask questions pertaining to the person they lost and so that is what I did. As the conversation went on he shared bits and pieces from that incredibly difficult day and how hard life has been since. I could tell he enjoyed reliving that concert memory for just a bit before the pain of his loss crept back in. My customer eventually made his way out the door knowing that in two weeks he would be able to retrieve his preserved and most precious memory.

I remember telling people how much I despised framing and that never, never, never would I ever revisit it ever again in my life. I said this for years and years after leaving two different framing manager positions. I still remember my interview for Michaels when my boss asked me what management position I saw myself in as she had four available and I still remember telling her that I didn’t really know what I did want but that I definitely DID NOT want to be her custom framing manager. She and I still laugh about this as I was originally hired as the front end manager but ended up trading positions with a dear heart as she feared the framing was going to be more than her hands could handle.

I have had days when I threatened to quit, about a million of them, I’ve had days when I wasn’t sure if I would ever get caught up, I’ve had days when I felt as if I was taking one step forward and ten back and then there are days like the one I had a while back when a guy trusted me to listen, to create and to care. This is what I do.

Be careful about what roads you say you will never travel again…..God might just give you the chance to change your mind. Just sayin.

3 responses to “The Chance To Change”

  1. Oh Bev, I am so glad you are “THE FRAMER” , otherwise I would have probably never met you! You have pulled together so many lovely items for me with your keen eye! You also framed and matted my special endearing picture with my touching verse that reminds me of my sweet, loving , special sister who has passed and gone to be with the Lord now. What a special treasure that is for me as well, just like this picture will be for that man when he comes to pick it up! GOD BLESS YOU, my wonderful friend.

    • Cheryl, you are by far one of my favorites! I will never forget Tony The Tiger or any of the wonderful things you’ve allowed me to frame! I treasure our friendship and you are right, we would have most likely never met had I not accepted a position I never wanted!

    • And the verse for your dear sister, another precious memory for me. I cannot imagine how incredibly painful it had to have been to lose her. I am so blessed to have been chosen to help you prepare those beautiful words for your home so that they can be displayed each and every day serving as a comfort to your aching heart. God Bless You!

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