The Important “Thankfuls”

Ten “Mom” Things We Need To Be Thankful For

  1.  Be thankful for all those times you watched as your mom cleaned your room and picked up your toys because you wouldn’t, even after she reminded you 10 times.  You’ll be referencing her behavior down the road when her knees will no longer allow her to bend over far enough to reach the floor.
  2. Be thankful for all those times your mom zipped your coat before you went outside to play in the snow.  You’ll know just what to do when she can no longer wrap her swollen, arthritic fingers around that tiny little tab dangling at the end of her zipper.
  3. Be thankful she was there every time you woke up to comfort you when you had a bad dream.  She’s going to need to be comforted too but the bad things she has to face won’t be a dream.
  4. Be thankful that she loved you no matter what.  There will come a time in her life when she won’t be nearly as easy to love as she was when you were a kid, but you’ll love her anyway.
  5. Be thankful for all the times she fixed what you broke, kissed what you bumped and forgot your mistakes.  Down the road, things will change and you’ll see things break and one of those things will be your heart as you watch your mother struggle with everything that used to be so easy.
  6. Be thankful for all those times you managed to slip away from the table after supper without helping with the dishes.  You may eventually find a sink full of dirty dishes left behind when your mother spends the night at the hospital and you’ll realize all those dirty dishes you walked away from when you were a kid didn’t actually wash themselves.
  7. Be thankful for the strength in your hands, especially the one you write with.  There may come a time in your life when that strength you’ve always known unexpectedly leaves you and you spend the better part of an hour addressing an envelope that used to take seconds.
  8. Be thankful for all those times your mother had to remind you to do something even though you really hadn’t forgotten about it.  You were just “putting it off” as long as possible because kids are like that.  There may come a time you’ll have to remind your mother to do almost everything and often times, more than once, because she really isn’t “putting it off.”  It’s because she really doesn’t remember.
  9. Be thankful for all those times when your mother stayed up waiting for you to return home safely.  You were a teenager and you knew everything and you thought it was just stupid for her to worry.  There may come a time when you’ll find yourself laying awake wondering if she’s safe and warm and comfortable because you know you can’t be with her all the time.
  10. Be thankful for your mother if your mother was like mine.  She is one of the most selfless human beings I have ever known and my love for her is immeasurable.  As time goes on she is slowly being forced to let go of the independence she has enjoyed for years and not a moment goes by that I don’t worry about her and I have a feeling I will worry until I know, she too, is safely home.

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