I’m not sure about you, but I love to hear about projects people are working on. We get to hear about a lot of those projects where I work and every once in awhile customers will bring in something for “show and tell.” We’ve seen quilts in progress, finished quilts, scarves, beaded earrings, purses, tote…
Crafty Counselor At Your Service
Today’s episode of “The Crafty Counselor” differs greatly from yesterday. Today I had a visit with a customer about fleece off the bolt versus fleece remnant prices and before I knew it she was telling me everyone in her family suffers from arthritis. I told her I had it too and about then I slipped…
It All Began With A Pink Bottle Of Paint
Every day when I head off to work I know I’m going to face at least one person that will make an attempt to gain access to the hidden counselor inside me. Each and every one of them finds their own unique way of hooking my attention and reeling me in. Yesterday that customer was…
Some Beds Are Softer Than Others
If you ever plan to take an 11 year old girl shopping, you will be in for an experience that will definitely entertain you and if the 11 year old you take is anything like the one Don and I took, you will not be bored. Gabby is one of the most beautiful young souls…
There’s Always A Butt
I was working tonight with a wonderful young gal. She’s very pleasant and upbeat. She does her best to accommodate our customers butt….there’s always a butt, isn’t there? She has a habit of leaning over the counter when she’s jotting down numbers and leaning over the counter when she’s cutting fabric and leaning over the…
A “Dad Style” Hug
My dad was not the kind and loving type. I have no memories of his arms open wide, waiting for a hug from his little girl. I don’t remember being comforted when nothing seemed to be going my way. I don’t ever remember him saying he was proud of me, I don’t remember ever seeing…
The Blue Rocket
The other day my mom headed out to get her mail. What she didn’t know is just how exciting things were going to get when she least expected it. She has three children and due to the fact that none of us want to see anything bad happen, we are constantly reminding her to…
Unique Little “Loretta”
I work retail and I never know what will transpire during the conversations I have with customers. Some of them put a smile on my face as well as in my heart and today, that is exactly what happened. A woman came up to the counter with some questions about the fabric she had chosen…