Category: This Crazy Life

  • A Foot Sized Mouth

    Have you ever had one of those moments when you say something totally innocent but the people around you burst into laughter because what you said can be taken in a completely different way than what was intended?  I’ve had countless occasions of “foot in mouth” situations but there are two in particular, that have…

  • Not All Balls Are Stress Balls

    My mother is and has always been a wonderful person.  She was the most patient, loving mother an extremely  shy kid that was afraid of everything could ever have.  Some parents want their kids out by the time they’re 18 but my mother convinced her little “Bubbles” that I should never feel there was a…

  • Weeding Green Beans? Really?

    Hindsight is really not as useful as foresight.  I’ve had situations where foresight was trying desperately to make a connection with me but the override feature in my brain wouldn’t let me respond in a way that would prevent certain circumstances.  I remember one such incident with “certain circumstances” that I wish I could forget.…

  • The Fling

    If you have a dog and you walk it in town, I’m pretty sure you’ve picked up some droppings at least once.  I got in the habit of carrying two plastic bags with me when Missy, our 115 pound St. Bernard/Bloodhound cross and I would head out for our daily adventure.  One to stretch over…

  • The Un-comforting Comforters

    The beautification of my bedroom became a priority the day my sister moved into a dorm at NSU and out of what was now considered “my bedroom.”  The plans I had were limitless and even though I had an operating budget of almost nothing, I was still in the planning stages of what would surely…

  • Getting Dressed In The Dark Is A Gamble

    I no longer get ready for work in the dark.  Years ago I did this quite often and I think it had something to do with the fact that I have never been much of a morning person and I suppose I thought that if I didn’t turn the light on while I was getting…

  • It Might Be Cooking But It’s Not On The Menu

    When we were kids, dad would load us up in the back of the pickup, throw some big 5 gallon buckets in with us and we would head out to find some plum trees loaded with big, juicy plums that mom would use to make jelly.  I remember how amazing those buckets of plum would…

  • When Discoveries Are Hazardous To Your Heart Rate

    Not because I was trying in any way, but as of this morning, I have discovered a brand new way to be 100% awake and more alert than you ever imagined possible with that very first step out of bed.  It works better than Folgers in your cup.  It works better than having someone give…

  • The Season Between Winter and Spring

    It’s that time of year again when I begin to gather all the information necessary to complete my taxes.  It’s never hard to find the paperwork I need as I have a pretty impressive filing system and it usually doesn’t take very long and I usually get a refund but I still drag my feet…

  • Snoring On A Resume?

    That special someone in my life has been dealing with a sore back.  Unfortunately, several nights this week, including tonight, his sleep has been interrupted, so I took this as my cue to take my “soft feminine type” snoring self to my computer for a while in hopes he is able to hook back up…