Category: This Crazy Life

  • One Door With One Lock

    I’m very thankful for public restrooms but you sort of have to wonder who designs some of those stalls that divide the toilets.  I tend to gravitate towards the ones created for those with walkers or wheel chairs because they have more room.  Most of the “regular” size ones have doors that open inward.  I…

  • Page One

    Had I followed through with all the plans I’ve had throughout my lifetime, I’d probably be more worn out than I am and no farther ahead.  That comment may sound a bit pessimistic but in reality, it’s just the truth.  As I was cleaning my desk the other day I ran across a manila folder.…

  • Double Nickels

    I haven’t written anything for several days now and as I sit here sifting through various thoughts in an attempt to find the “lump” that won’t fit through the mental sifting screen, I’m coming up with absolutely nothing.  I suppose this could alarm me and writer’s block could be setting in.  I’m going to just…

  • Embellishing The Ordinary

    In general, I’m a pretty happy person.  I suffer normal setbacks but I try not to let them consume me.  Some people drag on rainy days.  I sort of like a rainy day once in a while.  They aren’t as pleasant as the sunny variety but in my wild imagination, those are the times when…

  • Ticked Off Tonsils

    I’m getting sick.  I haven’t been sick for so long that I’m not sure if I remember how to do it.   I do remember that I tend to get extremely impatient and I want to be better right away though but doesn’t everybody?  Several years ago I had a bout of tonsillitis that landed…

  • April Fool’s Day Isn’t April 15th?

    I’m not sure about you, but I did my taxes on April Fool’s Day.  It’s sort helps to alleviate the pain involved when the government takes money from you if you tell yourself “April Fool’s!”  They still take your money but it feels better when you think they’re joking. Everything went quite well but my…

  • Waiting On A Woman

    I’m not sure why, but for some reason I have never been terribly fond of doing things until I absolutely need to.  Some would call this procrastination.  I call it a method in which to live by.  This characteristic of my personality drives Don bananas.  Last Friday we were planning to head south for the…

  • The Work Shoe Dilemma

    It was late last fall.  My toenails were painted a nice shade of sparkling beige but as the paint began to wear away from the big toe on my left foot, I noticed something a bit strange.  It looked as if it was turning black.  A more thorough investigation revealed that something had apparently fallen…

  • 10,000 A Day

    I have a personality sort of like the weather.  It seems it’s always changing and hopefully not terribly predictable except to one guy!  I have my sunny moments and my rainy days.  I have calm moments and if you ask Don he would most likely tell you I can be a bit breezy at times!…

  • Listening With One Ear

    Isn’t it funny how an object or scent or even a sound can bring back a memory?  Tonight I was sitting on the couch after work and I caught sight of the tuft of pheasant feathers Don hung above the hutch and it took me back to the Sunday hunting trip he and I took…