Category: This Crazy Life

  • Womanhood: The Graphic Version

    Often times I find myself entering into conversations that are fueled by a continuous string of thoughts  and after the fact, as I relive the highlights,  I find myself wondering if the subject originally presented had anything to do with the direction things headed when all those thoughts and memories came running up to the…

  • Washing Those Shades Of Gray Away

    Back when I was in my early 20’s I would venture to say I tried at least 5 different hair colors.  I got pretty good at the process but the day I chose to perfect “Auburn” is the day I said goodbye to hair color for 26 years.   It’s a rather sad story as…

  • Shame On The Door Dingers & Kamikaze Pedestrians

    When you go from living in a tiny little town to a big city there are all sorts of things you begin to notice.  What you are about to read are accounts of my frustrations as far as careless people and cars and parking lots go and I’m just a bit upset! Frustration Number 1:…

  • Ouch, ouch, ouch…

    So far this morning I’ve managed to navigate from the bathroom…ouch, ouch, ouch, to the kitchen…ouch….ouch, and from the kitchen…ouch, to the office and here I sit.  I don’t “love” to complain but I’m not going to rule out “liking” it, at least once in awhile.  I’m not a huge fan of doctors so I…

  • The “Make-up” Talk

    Have you ever gotten into a lengthy conversation with anyone that wanted to warn you about the dangers of becoming the child of an aging parent?  Me neither but I’m starting to wish I would have had some warning as to what was going to happen and how soon I should begin searching for a…

  • “Half-yard” Strikes Again!

    I’m beginning to wonder if anyone else has issues with the equipment used to maintain a neat and tidy lawn or is it just me?  I set out with the best of intentions only to have my positive attitude and willingness to conquer squashed by gas powered contraptions! Last week the mower I thought I…

  • Subtle Differences

    Have you ever wondered what the difference is between “loving” someone and being “in love” with someone?  I’ve heard people separate the two on talk shows and in movies and in real life and up until a few months ago I can’t honestly say I’ve ever really thought is was possible to experience differences.  I…

  • Another Tragic Mower Story

    I’m not sure what it is about me and mowers but last night the ornery bugger decided it didn’t want to mow the front yard.  I always start by trimming and then I mow in back before moving to the front.   I always shut the mower off when I push it across the driveway…

  • The Soap Box Came Out….Yikes!

    Don and I don’t consume enormous amounts of adult beverages but on occasion we do find ourselves enjoying a few brews and I’ve learned over a rather lengthy amount of time that alcohol has a tendency to give my brain filters the night off.  Most often, the result of my filter-less brain situation is pretty…

  • A “Pee-You” In The Pew

    Several years ago, I was hired by a local hotel to work the night shift.  I have always been a “night person” so I thought this job would work out great.  It was sort of weird going to bed at 8 am when my shift ended but my body would usually allow me to sleep…