Category: This Crazy Life

  • A “Hairy” Soap Box Situation

    I will most likely never understand why some people feel it’s okay to point out obvious details that may or may not offend the recipient. Is taking that chance ever worth hurting someone’s feelings or lowering their self esteem that may already be lower than it really needs to be? I can understand when “sticking…

  • Weight A Minute…..

    Is it just me or do you have days when you see someone professing something totally, completely 100% positive and all you can do is maintain your composure while your inner self is secretly imagining how much it would enjoy filling the inside of their car with marshmallow cream?  Perhaps one could define this inner…

  • Humble Pie With Burnt Crust

    We all have times in life that bring us to “bridges” that tempt us with choices.  We can dig deep into our strength and courage accounts, make a sizable withdrawal and walk away or we can set the bridge on fire!  My earlier experiences with some of those “bridges” I chose to set on fire…

  • A Drained Brain

    Have you ever felt as if you’ve reached a point when your brain is completely full of information and you could swear you heard the seal snap, the zipper zip or the flap close on that area that allows new information to freely filter in?  I believe some have referred to this overwhelming phenomenon as…

  • The “Sands” In My Hourglass

    It’s not uncommon to find myself in conversations about how much fun it is to accomplish something using scraps from a left over project or better yet, creating something that cost nothing.   It’s pretty safe to say thoughts like that are formed from a childhood that involved a wealth of imagination due to the…

  • My “Gold” Friend

    Just over 33 years ago a very unsuspecting 17 year old girl removed the gift wrap from a tiny little box and inside that box she found a Black Hills Gold ring.  It was a graduation gift given to her from her parents and her sister and brother-in-law.  It’s a ring that has been by…

  • Trust Me

    Since starting the job I currently have, I have been doubted on just about every move I’ve made and every turn I’ve taken.  I came into the position with 30 years of retail experience, 40 years of sewing and crafting experience and also experience as a supervisor, department head and manager from previous positions so…

  • Waiting On A Woman….Again

      For the most part, Don and I get along very well.  We’re not exempt from little disagreements here and there but we’re not into huge yelling and screaming matches that tend to accomplish absolutely nothing. We’re preparing to head south for the weekend and Don politely asked me to be ready early Friday morning.…

  • The 1482 Mile Journey

    Don has had a rather interesting week.  He left early Monday morning for a job north of town and then took off for Wyoming that same day.  He got to his halfway point by Monday night and then finished the long drive to his destination on Tuesday only to find out there were some issues…

  • Betsy & Buzz

    I just finished mowing and trimming the lawn.   Did you notice there was no comma after the word lawn?  Today my blood pressure stayed normal.  I don’t have a headache.  I harbor no resentment towards the equipment I used and it took less than an hour of my time. I’m sure I have all…