Category: Just For Fun

  • My Attention To Detail Is A Thing Of The Past

    I’m beginning to believe gadgets and my age are a lethal combination!  A few months ago I got a new cell phone.  I drug my feet just a bit as my old one was still working just fine and we got along really well.  Getting a new one would mean I would have to learn…

  • “New & Improved”

    As I was getting ready for work this morning I got to thinking about the maskera I had recently purchased.  I remember scanning at least 8 or 10 different ones before I made my selection and what I determined is that all of them are basically designed to do the very same thing.  The packaging…

  • Should I Keep Typing?

    Hi!  How are you today?  I’m actually doing quite well.  After surviving a rather generic day at work I came home and started supper.  I spent some very quality time with my handsome man but bedtime for him arrived and he’s sound asleep.  I wasn’t quite ready to join him so I’ve been sitting at my…

  • Can You Solve This Riddle?

    I’m betting there are no other statements in the world more true than the one I live by, laugh at and love. It’s short and to the point.  It eases stress if you believe it. It helps you laugh at yourself when you’ve really messed up and it’s the key ingredient necessary if you ever…