Category: Just For Fun

  • The Harley In The Hall

    If ever there was any doubt that opposites attract, Don and I are here to say, doubt not, opposites are indeed, attracted to one another.  He is the Morning Glory in the garden of life and I, on the other hand, am the magnificent Moon Flower blooming long after the warmth of the fiery orb…

  • Mr. “No-Green-Bananas”

    Have you ever stopped to think that we may never have actually overcome the “I know everything” teenager mentality we had when we were inexperienced, know it all, smarty pants kids?   I sort of think we just learn better ways to harness our thoughts and then reveal them in a more discreet manner.  That is,…

  • What I’m “Actually Thinking”

    It takes all kinds.   These four words came to mind recently when a customer called to explain his tremendous satisfaction with the materials and quality of workmanship he received when allowing me the opportunity to mat and frame a piece of reproduced art from his collection.  It had been conveniently rolled and stored away in a…

  • The Gas Powered Cats

    Layer by layer, I slowly prepared myself for our Saturday afternoon snowmobiling adventure.  First the daily undergarments were added to my frame.  Once in place I scrunched up my pantyhose and slid each one of my legs into those nasty “I now know what baloney feels like” casings.  A pair of socks and a pair…

  • The Christmas Letter

    2015 has been an amazing year for Don and I.  Don, the Motor Doctor, as I prefer to call him, traveled around 50,000 miles to work at destinations in Wyoming, Montana, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Texas which kept several hotels in business, no doubt.  He’s a very hard worker and incredibly dedicated…

  • The Other Cancer, The Good Kind…Just Sayin

    I’m not sure how much interest you have in your zodiac sign but upon a bit of research I’ve learned what is said about mine appears to be incredibly accurate.  I’ve listed some interesting information about my “Cancer” sign below.  As you read, you’ll see some additional information in parenthesis that gives a more in…

  • Cracking Plaster & Smiles

    Do you remember watching the television show entitled Candid Camera?  If you do, you will understand what I mean when I tell you why I was looking for the little light in the dark window hiding the camera that had just taped a new episode of the show while I and several others ate lunch…

  • Being “Texted” To The Max

    Ten Ways To Tell If The Relationship You’ve Established With Your Cell Phone Is Perhaps,  A Bit, “Over The Top!”  You slowly begin to wake from a restful night’s sleep and rather than give that first sip of coffee your full attention, you grab your phone to see if anyone messaged you, poked you or…

  • Two Spoonfuls Of Sugar

    Today was one of those emotion packed varieties that had me wondering just how much good and bad excitement I could take before I completely lost my grip but then,  something changed.  A  rather serious man walked in the store with two of the most adorable little girls I have ever seen.  I see a…

  • The Ten Most Common Types Of Drivers

      I’ve been taking mental notes on my commute to work and on my drives out of town recently and I’ve decided there are quite a few different types of drivers.  “Down the road” I may even add a few more. 1.  “The Spaz” types sit at stop lights and let up on their brakes every…