Category: I Remember When

  • Phones, Water Balloons and Respect

    I found out yesterday that if I enter our home phone number and Don’s work number into my phone and hit send, my phone thinks I’m trying to reach someone in Russia!!!!  I have a new cell phone and I’m still getting used to it and for some reason it doesn’t always get rid of…

  • Setting The Record Straight

    I was a pretty good kid.  When I think back to the few times I got in trouble or made a bad decision, there is one particular friend that comes to mind.   It’s probably best if I don’t mention her name because she might end up reading this and plot my untimely death but…

  • Rainbow Tumblers Have The Power To Surprise!

    When I was little we would sit in the living room, as a family, every Sunday night and watch Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom followed by Walt Disney.  Sometimes dad would stop at the little beer joint in town and bring home an assortment of some of the most disgusting, ready made sandwiches ever created.…

  • Chocolate Pudding And Toilet Paper

    When my big sister got married and started having babies, I was just about the happiest aunt there could ever be!  I loved to spoil my nieces and let them eat chocolate cake for breakfast when they stayed with me and break all the rules moms and dads create for their children to live by.…