Category: Deep Thoughts

  • A New Old

    After I went through my divorce, I felt as if my slate had been wiped clean.  It was a choice I made but there was an emptiness I hadn’t planned on experiencing.  For the first few months I kept myself incredibly busy so that the only idle moments I would have would be those moments…

  • Our Inner “Facets”

    Most natural diamonds are formed at high temperature and pressure at depths of 140 to 190 kilometers (87 to 118 mi) in the Earth’s mantle. Carbon-containing minerals provide the carbon source, and the growth occurs over periods from 1 billion to 3.3 billion years (25% to 75% of the age of the Earth). I’m not…

  • Em-ocean-al Waves

    Some days, getting out of bed is the biggest mistake I make.  Do you ever feel this way? I suppose we all do from time to time.  It’s that part of being human that, at times, seems unavoidable.  As the years come and go I’m learning more and more about myself.  I’m learning that I…

  • An Insatiable Hunger

    As I scroll through posts on my favorite social escape, I can’t help but notice just how much pain there really is in the world.  It exists right in front of our eyes, each and every day.  There are those that mourn the loss of loved ones, there are those that feel unworthy,  some will…

  • Dissecting Myself

    I’m sure you remember dissecting worms, fish and frogs in Biology Class back in the day but have you ever taken the time to dissect your mind?  I have and even though I’ve participated in a few online questionnaires that will allegedly help to pin a “type” on me, I know I have an incredibly…

  • As Fine As Mine

    Love is such an interesting treasure.   It assumes an incredible amount of facets and according to my experience, it’s most fascinating.  It has taken me on a journey of self discovery through the eyes of another and as a result of this process, I am forever changed. I can’t be exactly sure when love…

  • Analytical Stones

    Our journeys are all different.  We meet so many people and I believe they all, in some way, have had an impact on where we’ve been, where we are or where we’ll find ourselves as our story continues. I was visiting with a dear friend yesterday and her journey has taken her to a place…

  • Ten Sense

    My dad has been gone for over six years.  When he passed away I began to find dimes everywhere.  They were in drawers, in the washer, in the laundry basket, on the floor and on the ground and I couldn’t help but feel it was some type of sign.  I learned, after a bit of…

  • Loneliness Thrives On Diminished Abilities

    I’ve known my mother for fifty years but today, she said four words I have never heard her say in all those fifty years and it tore a hole in my heart.  When she called she said, “Hi Bev!  I’m so happy to hear your voice!  So you got the day off.”  I said, “Yes,…

  • Judgmental Perception

    I realize the world would most likely stop turning if it weren’t for all kinds of personalities but my least favorites are the ones that rub almost everyone they meet the wrong way at some point in time.  They’re rude.  The wrapper on the tact they received when they were born has never been removed.…