Category: Camper Stories

  • The Camper Story: Part Three

    It was mid August before we realized the camper was probably very lonely.  We hadn’t taken it out for any adventures since the 4th of July so we decided to head out to Medora for the weekend and this time we would be experiencing life at a real campground.  Don knew just the one we…

  • The Camper Story: Part Two

    July 4th of 2014 was fast approaching.  The camper was loaded with towels, plates, silverware, napkins, games, bug spray, toilet paper and enough bedding to protect us if the temps decided to drop into the single digits.  It was safe to say we were ready to embark on our maiden voyage with the pop-up wonder.…

  • The Camper Story: Part One

    Several years ago our niece came to stay for a week and right about the time she arrived my husband found out his job would be taking him away for a few days.  Our niece and I would be all alone in the big city and the only thing standing between her and I and…