My “Last Day” Revelation

Two weeks ago I made a decision that prompted the end of yet another chapter in this book I call “My Life.”  I’m moving ahead and focusing my energy on an adventure that will create new work relationships in unfamiliar surroundings.  I’ll be entrusted to responsibilities I hope I am able to satisfy.  No one ever knows just how the changes we initiate in our lives will impact the very core of our existence but the drive to push ahead paves the way and reassures us that it is these times and only these times that create the most powerful and positive changes we will ever know.

I left a job that fostered an immeasurable amount of emotion in me.  I laughed, I cried, I complained, I conquered and now that all is said and done I am quite sure I took just as many steps forward as I did back.  There were days I wasn’t at all sure how I would manage to put one foot in front of the other.   As I look back searching for reasons why God would bring me to such a place I’m slowly beginning to realize and understand His “why.”  Not once did He leave me alone but rather introduced me to some of the most kind and compassionate souls I have ever known.  He stood watch and paid careful attention to the bonds that formed between me and all the beautiful women I met.  I walked out the door today but I didn’t walk out alone.  I took with me words of sincere encouragement.  I took with me numerous friendships that I will try not to neglect and I took with me peace of mind.  I’m ready now, for what lies ahead knowing that I needed all of those ups and downs to fine tune my integrity.

God had a plan for me there.  I know now that He loves me more than anything in the world but I didn’t love me.  He believed in me but I didn’t believe in myself.  He wanted only the best for me but I didn’t feel worthy.  He woke me up.  I am finally where I need to be.  Without a difficult journey, one can never know the true joy of reaching a destination that is ready and waiting for us to succeed.  My book is open and ready for the next chapter.  I have no idea just how long this chapter will be but I know that it will be one that will shine just a bit brighter than a few of the ones written before it.  It will shine because I have finally found a way to see myself in the very same light as the one God has always seen shining from within my soul.

One response to “My “Last Day” Revelation”

  1. My dear Beverly, The sun will shine on your new adventure. You will be the ONE who will guide all people around you. You will inspire all those who meet you, as you have inspired all of us. You have a Mighty gift and it will guide you. Blessings. Love
    Mom and Dad..

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