One Fearless, Faith Filled Step At A Time

Life is a series of changes.  Some happen automatically.  Some are the easy, split second ones.  Some require hours of careful planning.  Some leave you feeling empty while others leave you feeling energized and then there are the ones that require a leap of faith.

A few short weeks ago I walked away from a job where everything was familiar and safe and routine and began training for an entirely new position in totally different surroundings with all new people.  I had no idea what would be expected of me but for some strange reason, it didn’t matter.  It was indeed, one of those changes that required and received a leap of faith.

The “leap of faith” type decisions don’t just happen.  They’re quite possibly ranked highest in the process of making a change because they force you to rely on Someone you can’t see, hear, text, call, message or email and He’s the One that will be guiding and supporting you in the direction you are choosing to take.  There’s always a certain degree of fear.  I’m not sure about you but leaving your comfort zone isn’t comfortable….at all….ever.  It feels icky.  It can make you sick to your stomach.  It can make your head ache.  It can make you rethink your decision at least 150 times a day but then, you finally reach that crucial ascendancy!  You toss your hands in the air and realize it’s time to scrounge up a rather large hypothetical box.  Next you fill it with every bit of fear you can find tucked in front of, in back of and lurking around in your over worked brain.  You tape it shut.  You wrap it and you turn it over to God.

I’ve learned important lessons from all the changes I’ve experienced in my life but the changes that have required a leap of faith have most likely been the ones most responsible for the woman I am today.  I’m becoming more reliant on my abilities and more aware of the fact that I can make the world a better place, one fearless and faith filled step at a time.

I’m into my second week at my new job and I’ve already met at least 30 new people and they’re awesome and I never would have met them if I would have allowed my “familiar” to keep it’s hold on me longer than it should.  I got to thinking just how silly it is to limit ourselves to living our entire lives without periodic changes.  Just think of all the people you might never meet and all the experiences you may never encounter and all the blessings you’ll never be showered with if you never make the decision to trust your most important changes to Someone you can’t see, hear, text, call, message or email.  I’m not saying He can’t be reached.  There are simply times He can’t reach you.


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