An Employee Designed List Of Shopping Guidelines

The Top 10 Guidelines Shoppers Should Follow To Make Their Fabric Store Experience Rewarding For Themselves And Everyone Else In The Store Including The Employees
1.  If you’ve let your kids OD on sugar, leave them home.  Our walls are already taken by the overworked employees bouncing off of them and we have no other wall space available for your kids.
2.  If your baby is ready for a nap wait until he/she has had that nap before heading to the store if you plan to bring them along.  We understand random non-nap related outbursts but if you know Junior is beyond tired and ready to blow a gasket, save us all the torture of listening to him scream non-stop for 20 minutes and let him have his nap first.
3.  If you remove a bolt of fabric from somewhere and decide you don’t want it,  surprise every one of us and put it back where you found it and if you really want to go above and beyond, don’t put it back on the rack upside down.  I guarantee, this will shock employees…it may even kill a few of us.
4.  If you decide you don’t want something you’ve had riding around in your cart and you don’t want to put it back where you found it, bring it to the registers or the cutting counter.  Please don’t just toss it onto any random flat surface it won’t fall off of before you can make your get-away.
5.  Please plan your shopping trip so that you’re finished by the time the store closes.  We employees never forget those of you that make us stay late and we have ways of making you pay and you won’t even know it’s happening.
6.  If you regularly poop beside your toilet at your house, please return to your old habits once you’re back home. We really don’t like to clean up your poop, ever. (Yes, this really happens.)
7.  If you must bring a beverage with you to the store, please toss it into one of the 9 garbage cans in the store once you’re finished with it rather than stash it behind or under something.  Would you want us to come to your house and leave our garbage in your linen closet or set it under your bed?
8.  If you bring your school age children that have not OD’ed on sugar with you please know where they are at all times and please don’t let them convince you that they are not messing up the thread.  They are.  It’s one of their favorite things to do. 
9.  If you are trying to match up 37 fabrics for a quilt please don’t leave the 23 you decided against on the floor.  Someone has to pick them up eventually and they don’t like doing it as much you might think.
10.  You’re an adult and if you forget your coupons or your phone at home, don’t whine to us, don’t give us your best puppy dog eyes and don’t make us feel bad because you messed up.
Most of the following things happen within a days’ time, every day.  I’ve had people sound as if they almost envy my “easy, relaxed, stress free” job.  I’m just glad I have a fairly decent sense of humor because we all know violence just isn’t the answer……no……it isn’t……
It’s been a longgggggggggggggggggggggggg week…..just sayin.

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