Cracking The Whip

It was a rather uneventful day.  I like those sometimes.  They give a person a chance to build up a bit of extra resistance we sometimes need when the going gets tough.  There’s only one problem with days like this though.  I will almost always have at least one moment when the filter between my brain and my mouth malfunctions.

Don’t you just love those moments when something stupid comes whipping out of your mouth at about 110 miles an hour and even though it may contain a bit of truth you realize at some point it shouldn’t be said but there is no stopping it, no reversing it and no taking it back?  Tonight I was the manager on duty and when I’m in charge I like to see tasks being accomplished and I want everybody to stay at least as busy as me.  I don’t think that’s unreasonable but I do find myself up against a bit of resistance from time to time.  There are feet that will drag and a fair amount of lolly gagging going on at times and a bit more procrastination than the amount I have become quite accustomed to.  I’m not saying I work with a lot of women that don’t like to be productive but I am saying that I do see a few windows of opportunity open for quite a while before someone realizes it.  I guess it’s my job as a manager to lead them, guide them and nudge them a bit when needed and for the most part we usually leave with a fairly neat store at the end of the evening.

On our way out of the store tonight the co-worker that closed with me was telling me about her boyfriend’s new job.  It seems to me he always has a new job and I guess he’s working a lot of 12 hour shifts at this one and she said it’s killing him.  I agreed that longer shifts like that do wear a person out and then I asked what he is doing.  It didn’t sound like a bad job nor did it sound terribly strenuous but then she said she wasn’t sure how long he was going to be able to take it.  She said, “He is 38 and…” About then I decided to butt in and finish her sentence.  There are times I probably shouldn’t do this but I thought she was going to tell me he’s getting older and those long hours are just too hard on him.   I had gone all day without a brain filter issue until I blurted out,  “So he’s very young and should be able to handle 12 hour shifts without any trouble or is he a lazy butt?  It’s your job to keep that boy in line, crack the whip and tell him he’ll be just fine!”  It was immediately obvious she didn’t know how to respond to such a point blank question that apparently contained a sizable amount of truth nor did she know how to respond to my “crack the whip” suggestion.

She had a priceless look on her face and a bit of a twinkle in her eye.   I would compare it the look you might have if someone came up and randomly dumped a pail of jelly beans on your head.  There’s no doubt you would be confused and dumbfounded but a tiny bit excited about what had just happened.

I’m not sure if her boyfriend will keep his job and I’m not sure if she will take my suggestions if he threatens to quit and it really doesn’t matter.  As I was driving away I told myself it’s probably time to do a few minutes of meditation each day.  I’m not sure if you’ve ever tried it but 10 minutes a day tends to keep the filter between my brain and my mouth working like a well oiled machine.  This is especially helpful when I decide to offer advice.  After meditating the advice almost never arrives with a complimentary brutally honest twist!

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