Waiting On A Woman….Again


For the most part, Don and I get along very well.  We’re not exempt from little disagreements here and there but we’re not into huge yelling and screaming matches that tend to accomplish absolutely nothing.

We’re preparing to head south for the weekend and Don politely asked me to be ready early Friday morning.  In the past he has “waited on this particular woman” a number of times and he told me that he has never waited for anyone else in his life longer than he has had to wait for me.   I told him I didn’t want to remind him of any of his past relationships but I’m 98% convinced that gave him absolutely no comfort or hope that things would drastically change in the foreseeable future.

In reality, I don’t have any intentions of making him wait for me.   It just happens.  I sometimes wish I could just throw on some clothes and run a comb through my hair and go but it just isn’t the way I’m wired.  I watched my mother when she stood in front of her vanity mirror doing her hair and makeup over and over and over again  when I was a little girl and attempting to put my best foot forward each and every day is all I know.   I always end up packing more clothes than I will actually wear but I like to be prepared for anything that could possibly happen.  I’m quite certain this is “a woman thing” that will always be difficult for a man to comprehend.

I know in my heart that even though he sounds anxious and suggests we drive separately he won’t leave until he hears the seat belt click on the person sitting next to him.   He’ll wait because he loves someone that loves him more than anyone ever has.   He has surrendered his heart to a procrastinating woman that drives him crazy at times.  He would protect her with his life and waiting for her gives God a chance to slow the pace of his “racing” mentality.  It’s not easy for him as he is a take charge, get it done kind of man.  He’s incredibly focused and ready to take on the world when his eyes open first thing in the morning.   What’s fascinating is the fact that God brought a woman into his life with an entirely different way of attacking an agenda.  She may not have the weeds pulled in the garden and she might not have everything ready first thing Friday morning but I think he would be amazed at just what he would see if he had a chance to view the world through her eyes.

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