He Is That Man

Amidst a load of clean laundry ready to be folded and a doll that needs a dress and a very tired me, I decided to take a trip down memory lane and read an hour and half’s worth of emails Don and I sent to one another when we first met and I fell in love with him all over again.  I’ve always had moments like this, when my inner being decides it’s time for me to relax and everything that isn’t done will get done later.  I find myself slipping into a hypothetical bubble that only has room for me and it’s there that I release all the stress and tension life can sometimes overwhelm me with and I absorb some of the purest and most positive vibes my body and soul can handle.

Don has been and continues to be one of those very pure and positive vibes in my world and has been since the very first email he so carefully constructed before hitting “send.” He is one of the most amazing people I have ever known.  He’s handsome and strong and takes on the world with just the right amount of dedication and determination.  He’s ambitious and driven and never feels sorry for himself.  He never complains about work and always appreciates the little things I do for him, even if it seems like nothing to me.   Initially he became my friend and in a few short months he was much, much more.  We’ve had moments when he and I both ached from the growing pains all relationships deal with but as each day passes, we’re stronger and better because of those times when things weren’t as picture perfect as perfect pictures would have you believe.   He’s endured a lot of painful experiences and each one chiseled away a small part of the tender heart in his chest but over time something very beautiful is happening.   The remnants of those bits and pieces still remain and slowly, they are finding their way back to his tender heart and as a witness, I can honestly say, it is one of the most powerful things I have ever watched unfold.  I see a kindness in his eyes and I hope that one day the warmth of that kindness will be accepted by the extensions of his soul that have distanced themselves for far too long.  Don is my friend, the love of my life and the keeper of the things I find most sacred within my own heart and our love is something I want to share with the world!

If you’ve never experienced a relationship with another person that makes you feel alive in ways you never thought possible, keep looking!  Your journey may be incredibly painful and it may force you to unlock a part of your heart you’ve protected with everything you’ve got but it will be worth it, I promise!


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