I Waited For The Movie

A few years ago I began reading “Fifty Shades of Grey” but it didn’t take long for me to  see where the story was headed and I lost interest.  I think it’s still sitting on the night stand in the bedroom I stayed in when I was living at my mom’s house.  Perhaps my life is sizzling enough for me and I have no need to live vicariously through another woman as she opens herself up to a world of sexual dominance.  If my mother ever finds it I have a feeling her curiosity will take her a lot farther than mine took me.    I’m betting she would read it, cover to cover in a matter of hours, devouring every last crossed “t” and dotted “i” while constantly peeking out the window so she could be sure no one was stopping in unexpectedly.  She would shake her head  in utter disgust but it wouldn’t reach the level of disgust that would force her to slam the book shut and stop reading!  I’m not going to say her life is boring but when you’re nearly 80 years old and your husband is gone, things can get a little……well…….boring.

There were a lot of women talking about this sizzling tale and one would think it may have aroused just a bit of curiosity in me, but not enough for me to continue reading .  The DVD came out a while back and I must say the curiosity I originally had started tugging at me a little but not enough to persuade me to buy the DVD.  The other day, after Don and I enjoyed a quick lunch together, I decided to take a few hours of my day off to relax and see what was available in “pay per view” and there it was.  “Fifty Shades of Grey” was staring at me and that small amount of curiosity I originally had crept into the tip of my pointer finger and forced me to push the “Buy” button and there I was….finally “finishing” a book I had started long ago.

I’m not sure about you but I was mildly surprised at how tasteful it was done.  I sort of want to say it may be due to the fact that the director was a woman.  I’m not saying a male director wouldn’t have been able to do what she did but I honestly believe she is a big part of the reason everything was orchestrated in a rather “fairy tale” type depiction.  I feel they did a remarkable job casting this film and even though sex was a “dominant” part of the reason this story sold so well, there were a lot of other points to ponder and a lot left up to one’s imagination.  Christian Grey is very mysterious and leaves you wondering just what exactly formed his rather cold and evasive demeanor and without any knowledge of what happens in the next two books, I feel the connection between the two main characters is definitely not over and not just about sex.

There was a short interview with the director after the movie along with some “behind the scenes” shots I also watched as I was paying $3.99 for this and wanted to get as much for my money as I could.   I’m like that when I’m spending a gift certificate too.  I will shop for days, weeks, months and sometimes a year before I “spend” a gift certificate and then I try and get as much as I possibly can with it.  Does anyone else do that?  I’m not terribly extravagant but I wish I was that cautious with the hard earned money I make!  ( I know, that was sort of off subject but consider it a commercial break of sorts.  I have tangents and the only way they go away is to unleash them.)  Anyway, the director described the movie as a modern day adult fairy tale.  That might have some of you laughing out loud while rolling around on the floor gasping for breath but in reality, that’s pretty much the message I got too.  It would have been different if the woman playing the part of Anastasia would have been more “experienced” but the fact that she was a virgin was rather refreshing.  Things definitely took on the modern day adult twist when “Prince Charming” ended up being a sex fiend capturing the attention of around 100 million book buyers worldwide.  What a dirty minded, rich, good looking turd he turned out to be!

I haven’t done a ton of research but according to the very disappointing end of this movie, another should rightfully follow.  It’s the least they could do for all of us who choose not to read the other two books.  I’m not a reader.  I never have been and I probably never will be so I need movies.  Reading a book can take days away from typing blog posts, sewing, crafting, house cleaning, napping, shopping and mowing  and a movie only takes an hour and a half to two hours at the most and a movie puts images in front of your face so you don’t have to try and figure out what everybody looks like and sounds like.  It’s all there.  Movies are a good thing and there better be a sequel because, in my opinion, Christian Grey has a very mysterious and rather dark side and I believe that boy has some “splaining to do!” and I have to be ready to explain what happens next once my mom finishes the book I’m going to tell her to burn if she finds it!  That will surely get her curiosity going, don’t ya think?


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