Andrea’s Precious Soul

I wasn’t able to birth babies but the bond I share with three of my nieces is one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever enjoyed and I believe that what we share is the next best thing to actually bringing them into this world.  I’ve decided to share a story about each one and the impact they have had on my life.

We’ll start with the one born first and the one that refused to arrive while I was staying with her parents, to act as  moral support and errand girl while two of my favorite people stumbled and fumbled around as first time parents.  I suppose I could have taken this as a sign that she wasn’t going to like me but in reality I think she could sense the tension and excitement of three people waiting for her arrival and she decided two was going to be enough.

Now every year when July 26th rolls around we’re reminded of the day Andrea arrived and as times goes on we continue to witness God’s purpose for her and all the beautiful ways she touches not only our lives but many others along the way.  I could say she’s perfect and always sweet and never bossy and stubborn but that wouldn’t be true and that wouldn’t describe the person I know and love.  She’s human and she has moments, like all of us, when she’s almost impossible to  understand.  She does, however, have other times when the depth of her kind and loving heart is, in my opinion, immeasurable.  Her arrival turned me into “Aunt B” and it’s a role I’ve cherished and will continue to cherish as time goes on.

We’re all adults now  and when the time came to tell my nieces I was divorcing their uncle I waited and told Andrea last as I feared she would take it the worst.  It’s comparable to a death due to the fact that it changes the family structure.  I will never forget her reaction.  It says so much about the depth of her loving heart.

We were all  asked to join Andrea and her husband Shawn at IHOP to celebrate their wedding anniversary and her birthday.  I hadn’t told her about the divorce yet and feared someone might say something about it during supper so I knew I had to call her that afternoon.  I felt bad that I had waited so long and hoped this news wouldn’t ruin this joyful day for her.  Later as we began to gather for the celebration I locked eyes with Andrea and she said, “Aunt B, I have something for you.  Can we go to the restroom together?”

We excused ourselves from everyone and once we reached the restroom she handed me a card and a gift.  This was yet another time I called upon the grace of God to keep me upright and composed as I witnessed one of the most selfless and kindest acts another person has ever bestowed upon me.  The gift was a book about the true inner strength of a woman and the card read:

To Aunt B,

Let Go and Let God

Words of Hope and Encouragement

When you’re searching for truth and you can’t find your way, when people don’t hear what you’re trying to say, and the answers won’t come to the things that you pray–it’s time to let go and let God.  Let go of the bad and the good will appear.  Trust in the knowledge that He’s always near, that answers and choices are always more clear when you let go and let God.  Just lift up your hands and surrender your heart, tell Him your worries and He’ll do His part.  Let go of the past and your future will start, when you finally let go and let God.  May prayers and faith and knowing you’re loved carry you through times of doubt and lead you to perfect peace.

This came from the niece I was so afraid to share my bad life changing news with as I feared she just simply would not understand.  This came from an amazingly strong woman that took the time to find ways to comfort her Aunt B when her Aunt B needed it the most.  This came from someone that should have been thinking about her party and what she was going to wear but instead decided to go out and search for a tangible way to say, I love you and I’m here for you.

Andrea works as a CNA and has for years.  In my opinion a CNA job is one of the toughest jobs ever created if you do it right and by the looks on all the faces of the residents she introduced me to when I agreed to a tour of where she works, she is definitely “doing it right!”  She has overcome some rather difficult odds over the course of her childhood, teen years and now as an adult and I’m proud of her unwavering spirit and love for her family.

This story is very personal but sharing it gives me joy and I believe our purpose in life is to spread joy whenever and wherever we can.  Andrea is unique and has her very own way of showing the world who she is.  Not everyone is willing to give her a chance but for those who do, God smiles upon you.

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