The Optimism Option

My day got off to one of those starts that was, in my opinion, comparable to the feeling you might experience when a brick wall appears out of nowhere and stops you dead in your tracks.  You’d be kidding yourself if you said you didn’t have those days.  Everybody does and I’ve learned over time that when my bricks start stacking their case against me I have two choices.  I can roll over and go back to sleep and pretend my coworkers won’t notice if I don’t show up or I can begrudgingly drag myself out of bed and face the day ahead with a slightly lower quality version of myself knowing that it will eventually end.

I chose to drag myself out of bed and when I choose this option my optimistic side sends little messages to my “brick racked” brain that force me to entertain the remote possibility that someone might actually make me laugh,  offer to listen when they hear me say I’m going to run away or touch my heart in an unexpected way.

Those darn optimistic messages were powerful today and as a result I ended up being told I “made someone’s day” with a story I shared and we laughed together.

A bit later I found myself offering a listening ear to my dear friend and coworker as she unloaded a heap of built up frustration she could no longer contain and I think I saw her shoulders lift just a bit once she unloaded that heavy burden she had brought to work with her.  When I was leaving for the day I began to feel a few aches and pains from the “brick wall” I had run into earlier and said I was going to run away.  It was then she followed me into the break room and listened while I went over my list of “injuries.”

Once I left the store I can honestly say I was feeling better and after running a few errands I headed home.  I grabbed the mail and much to my surprise there was a beautiful lavender envelope peeking out from beneath the usual bills and it was addressed to me!  When I saw the return address I was convinced the contents of that beautiful envelope were surely going to make me smile and inevitably touch my heart.  It doesn’t happen often but there are days when I get things right and today, I was 100% spot on with my guesses and Karla, my dear friend, you made me smile and as always, you touched my heart!

Being an overly sensitive Cancer isn’t easy sometimes but if you’re an overly sensitive Cancer that came equipped with the optimism option you’ll probably make it through even the toughest of days because that optimism option will kick into high gear when you need it the most!




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