Don’s “Rare” Find

I just finished reading a story on Facebook about four women that chose to attend a meeting in outfits that left very little to the imagination.  There was a lot of cleavage and more bare skin than there probably needed to be and the chairman chose to address these women and the choices they made while rummaging through their closets before they arrived.  He explained that everything God made valuable in this world is well covered and hard to find.  He made comparisons between diamonds, gold and pearls and incorporated the similarities between them as far as how they’re discovered.  I’m not sure about you but I’ve never run across a diamond in my rock collection or a gold nugget while wading around in a pond nor have I ever seen pearls rolling around in the sand on a beach.   They’re well hidden which makes them precious, valuable and highly desired.

The chairman went on to tell the women that they were far more precious than any of the things he had mentioned prior and that in order to find “miners” worthy of them, they should really rethink the choices they make when they are preparing themselves for the day ahead.

I was immediately able to identify with what this chairman had to say due to the fact that my sister, my brother and I were raised in very conservative surroundings.   Showing some skin hasn’t been an easy thing for any of us to do.  My sister is in her mid 50’s and has just now started wearing tank tops.  I’ve never seen my brother in a pair of shorts and you won’t see me prancing around in anything that might give anyone a reason to think I’m even the least bit uninhibited.  When I read that story on Facebook it solidified the ideology instilled in me at a very young age and it helped me to realize it’s probably more okay to be as reserved and modest as I am than it is to be a bit too comfortable in my own skin!

Don is way more comfortable in the skin he’s in and he sometimes has a hard time understanding his “rare” find.  As time goes on, he may be able to “unearth” small amounts of the treasures he feels I possess but deep down inside, I think he’s quite happy with his discovery, no matter how thick her shell appears to be!



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