My Attention To Detail Is A Thing Of The Past

I’m beginning to believe gadgets and my age are a lethal combination!  A few months ago I got a new cell phone.  I drug my feet just a bit as my old one was still working just fine and we got along really well.  Getting a new one would mean I would have to learn a bunch of new stuff and quite frankly, I didn’t want to learn a bunch of new stuff.  The older I get the less fond I am of deciphering all the techie terms used in instruction manuals and the video tutorials tend to go on and on and on and lose me somewhere before they’re finished and I find that I’m no farther ahead than before I started.

The new phone is pretty nice and it has been taking it pretty easy on me but I have noticed one tiny little glitch and that tiny little glitch has caught me off guard three times now in the past five days.  When you tap on the little white envelope on the main screen it will open the last person you texted unless you remember to hit the back button after that communication is complete.  I don’t always remember this and I send the most texts to Don so when it opens, I always override the possibility of the text going to someone else and start typing away.  On Friday I sent “Can I trade you a hundred for 2 fiftys?” to my niece.  She didn’t respond.  I’m not surprised.  I wouldn’t have either.  Who would ask that question just out of the blue?   On Saturday I sent a picture of myself with puckered lips and the word “Smootch!” to my sister and today I sent “How does being home feel baby?” to my brother!  I realize this isn’t the end of the world and I know I need to pay better attention to who I’m sending what to but after 3 goofs in 5 days, it’s probably safe to say there will be a lot more unsuspecting recipients of random texts before I get my brain retrained!

I remember a similar situation a few years ago when I was still working at the C-store.  It was a Saturday morning and Don was there for the weekend and while I worked he decided to do a bit of tree trimming in my mom’s yard.  When he had his trailer full of branches he would drive by the C-store en route to the city dump and he would honk to let me know he was going by.  I ended up sitting by the desk doing a bit of paperwork and I heard a pickup pull in and park right by the window.  I glanced out and saw a silver vehicle and decided Don must have needed a break and so when the door opened, I belted out a “Hey Baby!  How’s it going?” before turning around.  There was no immediate response so I whirled around in the desk chair to investigate and the guy that walked in the door wasn’t Don!  We were both shocked and I said, “You’re not my baby!”  It’s so hard to know what to say after something like that.  The unsuspecting guy was very nice and made every attempt to keep the conversation rolling about anything and everything that had nothing to do with the greeting he received when he walked in the door!  You sort of hope incidents like that are few and far between and mine were…..that is until I got a new cell phone!

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