Flaunt Those Skivvies!

I love to laugh and I usually find something to laugh about every day but I haven’t had one of those kind of laughs that render you almost completely useless for a while and I’m thinking I’m ready.

I made a few of my co-workers laugh today though, when I told them about our new washer and dryer that was delivered yesterday while we were at work.

The day started out with Don leaving super early.   I didn’t have to work until 1 pm so I climbed back in bed and just as I was about to drift off to sleep my eyes popped open like window shades!  OH MY GOSH!! There’s a load of laundry in the dryer and they’re hauling it away later today!  I laid there for a few minutes wondering how long it would have taken for us to realize where all of our clothes were and then I got up and rescued everything before I left for work.  It gave me a sense of peace knowing that our large dark load was safe and my collection of intensely colored undies weren’t going to be seen by anyone that didn’t need to see them.

With that being said, I returned home from work and saw a few assorted rags, one of my favorite crocheted dish clothes that Don will sometimes sneakily throw behind the washer because he thinks they harbor bacteria and create toxic odors in the kitchen and last but not least, a blazing hot pink pair of MY UNDERWEAR!  I reluctantly asked Don where all that stuff on the washer came from hoping he would tell me he laid it there for whatever reason but instead he told me it was all stuff that was found when the new appliances were installed.  It gave me the same feeling you get when you realize you’re wearing your chocolate brown undies the same day you decide to wear white capris to work and you don’t realize it until you situate yourself on the toilet that is also located at work!

The belief that things can always be worse is always a belief I hear being softly quoted in my head each and every time something like this happens. When my feathers get ruffled, Don always says, “Nobody died.” He’s right and in all reality, the undies found yesterday were clean and probably the best looking pair I own!  What a way to flaunt your skivvies, eh?

My overly active imagination usually takes it a step further and creates little scenarios that play in my head during the day and if my brain is not completely convinced I’m over it, it will also create a string of very unusual and unfortunate dreams as well, when I drift off to sleep.  The dreams are very effective and they almost always give me a chance to be way more embarrassed than the things that happen when I’m awake.  For instance, they usually let me wear clothes into a public restroom and then everything I’m wearing mysteriously vanishes leaving me in more of a pickle than I am when I wear undies everyone can see through my white capris!


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