A Priceless Bond

                   Happy National Siblings Day                    img00855

In honor of National Siblings Day I’ve decided to share a picture of my big sister, my big brother and me.  It was probably taken in 1969.  I know for sure we were in the dining room of the old Cooley house and the only thing I can remember is how tight those little black shoes were on my little fat feet!  It’s sort of fun to study a picture like this though.  It contains a lot of interesting information I had missed for nearly 44 years.  Here’s what I’ve gathered so far.

I loved to watch “Bewitched” when I was little and as an adult I’ve purchased several of the Season DVD collections.  When I’m cleaning house or sewing I will pop one in and often times I’ve noticed how short Tabitha’s dresses were. They looked more like tops.  I didn’t realize until I studied this picture that mine was no different.  That must have been the style back then.  You have no idea what this discovery means to me…..I was ACTUALLY IN STYLE once in my life!!!

When the shock of learning I was once in style had passed, I noticed something equally as amazing.   Even though it’s obvious I was still retaining a bit of my baby fat, I noticed something rather interesting about my waist.  I had one!  I’ve been toting a spare tire around my middle for so long that I honestly thought I came with it.  I guess not.

The next rather interesting part of this picture will not be published.  It will kept in the family archives filed in “The Show And Tell Picture That Could Have Gotten A Little Sister Into Big Trouble If Her Big Brother Would Have Found Out” folder.   This doesn’t mean I can’t explain what you can’t see.  Prior to cropping, this Polaroid snapshot featured a rather nice shot of my brother’s butt crack protruding from his jeans. It’s not as horrible as he thinks it is but he hates it and due to the fact that he hates it is reason enough for me to leave his butt out of this.  He owns a lot of guns and he knows where I live.  (No, I don’t really fear him “butt” he really hates this picture and I wouldn’t want any of his friends to run across it and then offer a few wise “cracks” at his expense.  I’m sure you understand.)

My sister is the one with the scissors.  I’m not sure what she is doing but she looks very focused.  I’m guessing a string of paper dolls were about to be revealed.  This picture has helped me to realize just how early her focus formed.   As an adult she is very driven and always has to be busy.  When I visit her, she is always doing something while I’m there.  I’ve told her she should sit down and relax and enjoy her company but it just isn’t who she is.

It looks like my brother is reading the paper.  I don’t have a lot of memories of him having a nose for news but he may have just gotten a new blob of silly putty and who doesn’t remember how much fun that was.  We would always stick it to the Popeye cartoon and make his “mus-culs” bigger than they already were.

I don’t know what I was doing but it really doesn’t matter.   I was in style and looking adorable without even trying. It was so easy being a kid when I was a kid.  We played hard.  We grew imaginations in our gardens of thought and we lived.

The last thing I noticed is how fun it is to see a picture of three kids that aren’t being entertained by video games, cell phones or computers.  I have nothing against those things but I do know they still make kids like they used to and if they’re given the chance you’ll see the same things happen that are happening in this picture. Kids that get along most of the time.  Kids that will do anything for one another if their parents say they have to and kids that will grow into honest hard working adults that will lead very productive lives.

The childhood my siblings and I shared is proof the best things in life are free but the bond formed is priceless!


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