I Almost Expired!

There are times I think expiration dates on food items are completely ridiculous.  Don and I most likely have several salad dressings, mustards and steak sauces in the refrigerator that have all expired and we continue to use them.  We’re still fine and neither of us has been sick with any vomiting issues so I say expiration dates on some things are pretty silly.  It’s just another way to control consumers I suppose.  I do, however, respect the dates on refrigerator biscuits more than I used to.  As you read on, you’ll find out why.

I’ve never enjoyed the process of getting those pressurized refrigerator tubes open.  Sometimes they’ll pop when you peel the first layer of paper off the tube but other times they wait and continue to torment you by suggesting you poke the edge of a spoon up against that seam you see when you get the first layer of paper removed.  You have to sort of wonder what kind of thought process goes into this kind of unpredictable packaging.  The people that come up with ideas like this would have to have an incredibly warped sense of humor, don’t you think?

I really can’t remember why I decided to open that expired can of biscuits.  Perhaps I was making beef stew and thought they would be a nice addition or maybe we were just out of bread and I didn’t feel like running to the store.  It’s hard to say but it really doesn’t matter.  I took out the cookie sheet and misted it with a bit of cooking spray.  I took hold of that tube and slowly began to peel the paper away and nothing happened.  I reached for a spoon and braced myself for the POP! that was about to happen and nothing happened.  Hmmm, I was stumped so I decided to whack that stubborn tube on the edge of the counter and what happened next is part of the reason I have gray hair and trust issues.  The pressured contents literally EXPLODED AND BLEW THE BISCUITS TO BITS! There was biscuit shrapnel on my face, in my hair, on the counter, walls and ceiling but not a single bit on the awaiting greased cookie sheet!   I’ll never forget what happened when the seal let loose on that can.  I’m going to mention that we didn’t own a single gun at the time.  We didn’t have any fireworks left over from the 4th of July and we didn’t have any propane leaks but the noise that had just come out of that can-non sounded like something much worse than what it was!

These biscuits aren’t that expensive.  If you find an expired can of them in your refrigerator, please take my advice and place them gently into the garbage.  Gently being the key word here!

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