A Foot Sized Mouth

Have you ever had one of those moments when you say something totally innocent but the people around you burst into laughter because what you said can be taken in a completely different way than what was intended?  I’ve had countless occasions of “foot in mouth” situations but there are two in particular, that have permanently attached themselves to my memory.  I’m going to share them with you because I believe it’s good to laugh at yourself once in awhile and give others a reason to laugh too as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone.

With that being said, here goes.  The summer before last I had a customer come into the store where I worked on a regular basis and every day, beginning in May, he would dig out his tank tops and shorts.  It was no big deal.  Lots of people wear tank tops and shorts.  I think he stood out more in my mind because he started early in the spring and wore them late into the fall.  One day after the weather had started to get chilly he walked in and that was the day he switched his wardrobe back to sweatshirts and jeans.  I could have said nothing.  That would have been for the best but the filter in my brain malfunctioned and like an idiot I yelled out, “Hey Don, I hardly recognize you with pants on!” The roar of laughter shook the ceiling tiles!  I knew what I meant.  He knew what I meant but everyone else thought something completely different!

I had a similar incident several years ago.  This one transpired when I ordered supplies for my doll business.  They were delivered by FedEx and would usually arrive around 11 am.  I got in the habit of wearing my big, pink, floor length fleece robe most of the day if I had no plans to go out.  It was not revealing in any way and I decided signing for my shipments while wearing it was perfectly fine.  The delivery guy and I would occasionally joke about me still being in my pajamas but it really was no big deal.  Eventually I became a bit burned out from my stay-at-home doll business so I decided to go to work at a local factory as a temp and when I got the job I was informed they would be using me whenever and wherever they needed help.  One of my first jobs was to work as a receptionist in the marketing services building for a few days.  I was surrounded by a lot of people I didn’t know.  They were coming and going and working in cubicles and no one was familiar until the FedEx guy walked in with a delivery.   It was right about the time a bunch of people had gathered near the door for their morning break.  I recognized him right away and he recognized me and I said, “Hey, I know you!  This is what I look like with clothes on!”  Once again, I knew what I meant and he knew what I meant but everyone else thought something completely different!

I suppose I could feel bad or embarrassed but I’d rather laugh about it and celebrate these silly little tricks my mouth plays on me when I least expect it!

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