Request Addressed

Request addressed. What does this mean? I’m sure your mildly curious. I would be simply because I’m that type of person. I wonder what happened. There must have been something wrong. Isn’t it amusing just how inquisitive our minds can be? We’re fed a small dose of information and our mind fills in the rest with unanswered questions and possibilities for what those two words might mean.

You’re probably thinking to yourself, is this going anywhere or am I just being led down a path of thought provoking letters forming words to make me curious.

I wasn’t exactly sure how to start this story and I thought that perhaps it might be more interesting if I tossed a few non-specific words in your direction first. If you’re still reading, thank you. This is the chapter that follows “Entrusted.” I’m not sure if you have read “Entrusted” but this is a continuation of what prayers answered look like from my perspective. I had been struggling terribly with someone in my life and honestly, there were times I was absolutely certain I would walk away and never look back. “Entrusted” was written after the Holy Spirit sent a message to me that I will never forget. That message delivered ever so gently into my thoughts said, “I didn’t put you in this person’s life….I put you in theirs.” Such simple words but yet so powerful. From that moment on I knew that for far too long I had fostered and fed my “victim” mentality and oh how it flourished! I had myself completely convinced that I deserved all the negativity that wound itself around me every day and that eventually I would simply need to surrender and walk away knowing that every terrible thing said to me was true.

Answers to prayers, from my experience, arrive so gently and almost unnoticed at first but evolve so beautifully over time. We’ve gotten used to instant gratification because of the world we live in. You flick a switch and the light comes on. You turn the key and the door opens. You push a button or tap a screen and you’ve just initiated the delivery of a new pair of shoes! Our Lord and Savior doesn’t work in the same “instant gratification” mode that we’re so accustomed to so it’s easy to miss His blessings and His answers to our prayers. I know I struggle after praying for answers and then, when I least expect it that door to my soul I keep closed as tightly as I possibly can opens just the tiniest little bit and everything changes.

I’d like to believe this difficult person I referenced in “Entrusted” changed because my fear of her is gone. The difficult conversations haven’t continued. We are actually becoming friends and I can say, with all honesty, that I really like her. How. Is. This. Possible? I have no way of knowing where anyone is in their spiritual journey and I even lose sight of my own path from time to time. One thing I’ve learned, though, is that I am never alone. I’ve accepted the fact that when others treat you badly for no reason that it isn’t about you, it’s about them. We have the option of wearing whatever badge we choose, be it “victim” or “victor.” It’s our choice. My new friend said something to me the other day and her words will stay forever in my heart. She said, “I’ve learned so much from you. I’ve learned that I’ve been unnecessarily mean when I didn’t need to be and I’ve learned to channel my inner Bev when I feel challenged and upset.” I take no credit. Someone that loves me so much that He died on a cross for me had answered my prayer and switched my “badge” when I least expected it.

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