The Other Cancer, The Good Kind…Just Sayin

I’m not sure how much interest you have in your zodiac sign but upon a bit of research I’ve learned what is said about mine appears to be incredibly accurate.  I’ve listed some interesting information about my “Cancer” sign below.  As you read, you’ll see some additional information in parenthesis that gives a more in depth example of each characteristic. (Pssst, the information in the parenthesis are examples this Cancer has personally experienced….just sayin.)

Artistic and Creative

Cancers are happiest when they’re sharing their love for something, like writing or poetry, with those around them. They tend to have a strong creative force, one that involves them with the arts in some capacity, and they take great pleasure in expressing themselves creatively. (Some are known to sit for hours typing excerpts of their existence and their perception of reality in an effort to entertain and bond with those around them and with others across the entire world.)

Excellent Worker

Cancers are excellent and diligent workers. They work best when left on their own without anyone trying to micro-manage their workload. Most Cancers treat their jobs much the same way as they do their homes. They are protective of their job status and often hold managerial positions. They expect loyalty, and they treat their employees like family. Cancers will give a sympathetic ear to a co-worker as long as the problem doesn’t threaten their own job security. (This might explain why some Cancers suffer so much frustration when they’re expected to go against everything they’ve been trained to do to please someone that is making every attempt to micro-manage their brains….just sayin.  Cancers do harbor small amounts of sympathy for these types as Cancers know these micro-managers never accomplish what they set out to do, if it is indeed, wrong.)

Deeper Characteristics

Taking a deeper look into Cancer’s psyche reveals even more about this sign. There’s a softness beneath the crab’s shell that’s worth exploring.

  • Intuitive: The crab is a sea creature and, as such, takes it cues from the moon. Depending on the ebb and flow of the tides, the crab decides how to best chart its course. Cancers do the same thing as they respond instinctively to the situations around them. (They know there are underlying causes for bad behaviors.  They will make every attempt to gain access to as many puzzle pieces as they can in order to unscramble the reasons behind nasty attitudes and unpleasant demeanors and they’re almost always successful.  If you know a Cancer, there’s a very good chance they know you even better than you know yourself….just sayin.)
  • Soft underbelly: The similarities between this sign and its symbol continue because both have extremely soft underbellies. It’s no secret that Cancers are easily hurt; and their wounds take a very long time to heal. (Sometimes it will take years for them to fully accept their decision to end the life of their suffering pet.  They fear their faith wasn’t nearly as strong as it needed to be and that perhaps they made the wrong decision.)
  • Kindness: There’s a big difference between being nice and being kind, and Cancer is truly aware of this. Whether it’s rescuing a stray dog or feeding the homeless, Cancer is the first one in line to offer a helping hand. (Sometimes Cancers cause several thousands of dollars worth of damage to their car when they hit a windmill in the dark when rescuing a kitten.  Sometimes said kitten will be  affectionately named Bumper by the said Cancer’s brother-in-law but in all reality “LB” (Loose Bumper) or “MB” (Mangled Bumper) or “EB” (Expensive Bumper) would have been much more appropriate….just sayin.)
  • Dependable: While their moods may flicker like that of a candle caught in a storm, you can always depend on them. Whether it’s for love, money, or simply to lend a helping hand, Cancers are known for coming through in a pinch. (If you’ve recently had foot surgery and have no desire to hobble into a fabric store to pick up iron on patches to repair the holes in your 90 year old mother’s sheets, make sure you talk to a Cancer when you call.  If she’s a dingbat and forgets to set them aside for your crabby husband when he stops to pick them up, she will not only pay for them but she will also deliver them to your doorstep when she gets off work, just sayin.)
  • Rarely direct: Cancers do not like confrontations, and they will usually go out of their way to avoid arguments. Just like an actual crab will move sideways when it perceives danger, Cancers step aside when they can. (Sometimes they will retreat to their sewing room until the dust settles.  Sometimes they will go for a drive.  They’ve learned over time dust may blow from time to time but it always settles and when it does they can create beautiful pictures on all the flat surfaces it actually settles on….they’re creative, remember?)
  • Anger: It takes a lot for these folks to blow up, but once they do, watch out! Perhaps this is because these natives spend so much time stifling their anger. (Sometimes it can take upwards of 30 years before they’ll blow but when they do, their reasons will be incredibly clear and easy to understand.  I don’t recommend letting this happen and if you’re lucky you’ll only have to worry about it once every 30 years……maybe.)
  • Action taker: Cancer is a cardinal sign and therefore one of action. At a moment’s notice, Cancer is truly ready to spring into action to right a wrong. (The day a certain Cancer forgot the dish water was running for over an hour while working on something in the office would be a fantastic example of “springing into action!”  The video of this occurrence would indicate this particular Cancer’s “spring into action” feature.  It would also be incredibly entertaining and most likely quite funny because it wasn’t your mess to clean up.  Do not search for this video on You Tube.  It doesn’t exist, just sayin.)
  • Persistent: Cancers, like their opposite sign of Capricorn, are known for their staying power, and they can outlast just about any adversary. After all, crabs have claws for a reason. So when Cancers decide to fight for something, you can rest assured that they will go the distance. (Some of them are known to have 20 years of “staying power” on their staying power list but those details will not be discussed in detail….just sayin.)

    Getting Along with Cancer

    All the various characteristics of Cancer can make these people quite a handful to deal with. Try to be careful with your words and be supportive of the Cancer person in your life. It may take more work to maintain the relationship, but Cancer’s positive traits make it worth the effort. (We Cancers are indeed quite a handful to deal with at times but so are all the positive, worthwhile reasons we drag ourselves through the difficult times, celebrate the joyous times and savor the memories of our existence! If you are a Cancer or have one that has woven their way into your heart, be thankful.  Cancers will never let you down….just sayin.)

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