Is “Spending” Time With Friends In Your Budget?

Day in and day out, we shop.  We shop for groceries, clothes, cars, houses and luxuries.  We look at prices time and time again, clip coupons and search for the best deals.  We put a lot of effort into every stroll through every store and expend a rather hefty amount of energy on products and services we are forced to believe we can’t live without.  It’s a vicious game as the aisles are filled with colorful displays and choices beyond reason and more often than not, we leave feeling overwhelmed and mentally drained but we do it anyway.  I’m not saying we don’t need things.  Groceries and clothing are very important and much needed so avoiding those purchases isn’t reality but have you ever stopped to think about the value and cost of other things and how they might rank in your list of priorities?

A few weeks ago, when I could have been running errands that would have included a bit of shopping,  I sat in a restaurant for 3 1/2 hours visiting with two very dear friends.  I had a ton of things to accomplish on my day off but I sat there and enjoyed every single second of our much needed visit.  It got me to thinking about the value we place on things versus the value we place on experiences and our willingness to “spend” our time on what really matters.  I couldn’t help but think about all the times I’ve wanted to get together with someone but knew it wouldn’t be a priority.  Their kids had ballgames or their hair needed trimming or their garden needed watering.  I understand all of these “other” circumstances but every once in awhile I wish someone would have said, “I had some other things planned or I have a ton of things to do but they can wait.  What should we do?”

If you were to put a price tag on time spent visiting with a dear friend, what would it be?  Would it be affordable or terribly expensive.  Would it be something you might work into your budget due to the value it has on your existence or would it be something you only allowed yourself to splurge on when your “to do” list has a check marked after every entry and your life is completely under control?   You look at price tags on everything else so maybe it’s time to re-evaluate your budget and work a bit of time in for those you hold near and dear to your heart because in reality, life is never going to slow down.  You are never going to find yourself caught up with everything, ever, but there may come a day when all those dear friends you thought you had find they can no longer “afford” the time spent waiting for you.

I was the person that had a ton of things on her agenda the other day and I could have easily said another time would work better but I didn’t.  I traded every bit of the energy I planned to use for my errands and list of “to do’s” for 3 1/2 hours of visiting that I will never forget.   I’ll never forget how much we laughed.  I’ll never forget how much we shared and I’ll never regret the time spent with friends!

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