An Insatiable Hunger

As I scroll through posts on my favorite social escape, I can’t help but notice just how much pain there really is in the world.  It exists right in front of our eyes, each and every day.  There are those that mourn the loss of loved ones, there are those that feel unworthy,  some will never believe they have any special gifts to offer others in this great big amazing world while others post picture after picture after picture of themselves in the hope that one day they will honestly believe all the gracious compliments they receive.  I read about struggles and strengths, wins and losses and I know what each and every one of those precious souls are really trying to say.  I know because I am one of them.   I struggle with grief and I’ve had a list of insecurities a mile long  my entire life and no matter how kind people were, I could always find something on my list to counteract their heartfelt messages.  What’s even more strange is when you find yourself atop a hypothetical mountain of pain and insecurities you’ve decided to  hang on to forever realizing they have not given you a moment of peace, an inch of success or a reason to keep them within your grasp as tightly as you have all those years.

I would love to let some of those amazing souls out there know, some of life’s toughest decisions aren’t always ours to make.  Sometimes we have to put our faith in a power much more capable of carrying out His plan for our life.  The tough part is,  doing this isn’t easy.  Sometimes it won’t feel quite right.  Sometimes it will allow our brains to override what really needs to happen but over time the best will reveal itself.  It will stem from seemingly missed opportunities.  It will be a silent and subtle plan that will unfold right before your very eyes.  You won’t have to force it.  It will come.  For those of you mourning the loss of a loved one, you will find the path of peace and freedom from a pain you thought would never lessen.  For those of you that struggle daily  with feelings of unworthiness and insecurity, you will realize that all those beautiful “likes” and “comments” you’ve received have no value until  you reach the point of accepting the only thing in life that really, truly matters and that is, YOU must believe in YOU.  It will be then and only then that the kind and gracious words of others will be able to reach that part of your soul that thought it had an insatiable hunger for acceptance when in reality all your soul needed was a chance to show you that you’ve always had the power within yourself to believe you are wonderful, you are beautiful and you are worthy of great love and much happiness.

One response to “An Insatiable Hunger”

  1. Thank you for the great message of what matters!!! The best/worst critic we have is ourselves. No matter how much pain we have, there is always someone who has more pain and needs our help! Thanks for sharing

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