The Harley In The Hall

If ever there was any doubt that opposites attract, Don and I are here to say, doubt not, opposites are indeed, attracted to one another.  He is the Morning Glory in the garden of life and I, on the other hand, am the magnificent Moon Flower blooming long after the warmth of the fiery orb has left us until another day.  With this delightful explanation of our somewhat different view on when one’s ambition should be expended I shall move on to the story that transpired one evening when Don succumbed to the bed that was calling his name.  It was 8:40pm.

After several heartfelt exchanges between our lips (kisses or smootches as we prefer to call them) I slipped into the haven (sewing room) that quietly awaits my return the very same time each and every evening.  Sometimes I alter clothing, create craft videos, surf the internet or type blog posts but on this particular evening I was making dolls.   When I do this I need more light, so in an effort to keep things as dark as possible for the Morning Glory, I opened the linen closet door that, when open, goes across our bedroom door opening and blocks the light that sneaks out the top of my sewing room door.   I could shut the bedroom door but this just works better.   Around midnight I decided to shut off the lights and head to bed.  I’m sure you’ve been in a position to be as quiet as possible so as not to wake someone and it usually works….usually.

When I left the sewing room I saw the linen closet door and I told myself, “Oh, I’ll remember this is open when I come back down the hall to get into bed.  I went into the kitchen and realized the apple pie I had made earlier needed to be covered so I grabbed the tinfoil box.  Do you have any idea how much noise tinfoil makes?  Unbelievable!  I think I counted 97 teeth along the edge of the box there to help sever the piece you are needing from the rest of the roll.  Finally I managed to get what I needed separated from the box, one tooth at a time and then I pondered for a while as to how I was going to get it wrapped around the pie.   The “ripping off a band-aid” mentality hit me and I whipped the foil on the pie and sealed the edges really fast and then I listened……nothing…..nothing…..snoring.  Whew!  He was still asleep.

Next it was time to brush my teeth.  I’m happy to say this went pretty well.  It was the usual noises with no surprises and Don’s sub-conscience is used to that.  I left the bathroom and headed down the very dark hall prepared to do what I always do.   I walk into our bedroom and get into bed.

On this particular night my typical routine was somewhat altered because on this particular night, as I confidently marched towards the spot in the bedroom I always go, there was a door in my way that I had forgotten about!  Do you have any idea how much noise is created by a forgetful woman running into a door as if it wasn’t there?  Just ask Morning Glory!  He woke up…..rather abruptly as a matter of fact and told me, once his initial shock had dissipated, that the amount of noise presented by the disturbance was comparable to starting a Harley Davidson in the hall!  I’m not sure why my short term memory is so pathetic and I’m not sure why I wasn’t able to lessen the noise factor once I realized what was happening but there is one thing I know for sure……I hadn’t had a good laugh like that for a very long time and every time I replayed Don’s response in my head I laughed even harder.  Eventually we both fell asleep but not until I had fully extinguished a full 12 minutes of uncontrollable, bed shaking laughter!!


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