A Creative Messenger

I headed out this afternoon to pick up a few groceries and as I was driving near one of the schools I noticed the traffic begin to slow and then I caught sight of a man and a child waiting to cross the street. Once the traffic stopped, they proceeded. As the cars ahead of me began to move, I got a better look at the man and the little girl.  She was dressed in a brightly colored spring jacket, matching leggings and some neon colored tennis shoes. Her hand was being held by the man beside her and he was wearing bib overalls and a full beard. He had a cap on his head and boots on his feet and there was only one thing about his attire that took me by surprise.  This rugged, outdoorsy looking man was sporting a Hello Kitty backpack.  It was obvious the little girl was happy to be with him as the hand that wasn’t holding his was swinging up and down simulating the cheerful hops and skips her neon tennis shoes were teaching her toes.

It’s almost as if time stood still for that minuscule moment in time so I could absorb the precious bond between that father and his daughter. It was heartwarming and adorable and it helped me to see that when you live in a city where 67,033 other people live, you may rarely find anyone that wants to wave at you when you’re driving or out working in your yard.   It won’t be uncommon to get honked at if you don’t advance as quickly as the person behind you thinks you should while at a stop light and occasionally someone with road rage will get out of their vehicle to scream at you for not giving them the right of way even when they don’t have the right of way…….but then……when you least expect it……there are moments that reach out and take hold of you. They warm your heart and help you to realize that numbers may possess the power to disguise but they’ll never erase the beauty of the human spirit.  It’s here.  It’s there.   It’s everywhere.  There are just some days when you need to be reminded of this and today God sent His message to me inside a Hello Kitty backpack.

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