As Fine As Mine

Love is such an interesting treasure.   It assumes an incredible amount of facets and according to my experience, it’s most fascinating.  It has taken me on a journey of self discovery through the eyes of another and as a result of this process, I am forever changed.

I can’t be exactly sure when love arrived as there are other counterparts that compete for the lead role.  Physical attraction is most likely the most powerful.   It gives you the reassurance your thoughts are pleading for and it nudges you near the path that may, perhaps, lead to love.   I’ll never forget meeting Don for the very first time.  He hopped out of the vehicle he drove to meet me and I can still see him walking towards me.  He was so handsome.  There was nothing about him I wasn’t impressed by.  From head to toe, he was perfect.  Nice hair, brown eyes, a mustache and beard, a muscular build and just a wee bit taller than me.   When he reached me he held out his arms and our first of many hugs transpired.  Never had I felt more encompassed by a feeling I knew I needed and had searched for forever.  We had no plans but eventually found our way to a movie theater I had frequented many times.   He did all the right things.  I was well into my 40’s and for the first time I was sitting in a theater with a man’s arm around me!  It may sound silly that something like that would move me but it was “on my list.”  Eventually his arm fell asleep and he had to move it away from my shoulder but the bonding continued when his hand found mine.

We’ve been together 3 1/2 years now.  We’ve experienced some relationship “growing pains” like all great relationships do but the celebration of our bond is something we enjoy every day.  I wasn’t aware of just how powerful love can be until this man became a part of my life.  We’re not perfect.  We don’t always see eye to eye but our love is very real and worth more to me than anything else in this world.  I’m convinced “leaps of faith” are never easy as they require leaving everything familiar behind.  They ask you to scrounge up as much trust as you can possibly muster and force you to believe everything, and I do mean everything will work out just fine.

I’m not sure just how many people find themselves in positions like the ones I’ve been in but for those of you that have taken your share of “leaps” I’d be willing to bet your everything is just about as fine as mine!


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