Judgmental Perception

I realize the world would most likely stop turning if it weren’t for all kinds of personalities but my least favorites are the ones that rub almost everyone they meet the wrong way at some point in time.  They’re rude.  The wrapper on the tact they received when they were born has never been removed.  They can find ways to turn almost every situation around so they look awesome and others look ridiculous.  One would think we would only have to battle these types when we’re in our formative years of life but not long ago I met someone that finds a way to make almost every situation she is presented with, awkward and uncomfortable.  Nearly every time she opens her mouth I hear the imaginary sounds of a bow scratching unnervingly across the strings on a violin because she practices no tact in any way, shape or form.  When confronted she’s immediately on the defensive doing everything in her power to quickly think of something she can counteract what you are saying so you look bad.  She’s not the first personality of her kind I have dealt with and she will most likely not be the last so each and every day I am thankful that my existence is a whole lot different than hers.  It doesn’t really matter why she is the way she is because I’ve decided she will only be given a small amount of the time I have on this earth.  She won’t be someone I look back on and smile but I think she’ll smile when she thinks of me.   She will never warm my heart but I’ve given her many opportunities to see how warming someone’s heart might feel.  She will never really know the magical power of compassion and just how incredible it feels to show others you care but she’ll know I cared.  Years ago I remember hearing something about praying for your enemies and I thought long and hard about it.  Have you ever done this?  I have.  It’s not easy but sometimes it  honestly changes things for the better.  I’m going to pray for her tonight.  It feels like the thing to do.  There’s a really good chance nothing within her will change but perhaps, in some small way, something about the way I perceive her will.

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