I Just Don’t Understand

I find it so incredibly bizarre just how different temperaments can be.  Some people are born with more patience than some would find humanly possible while others have fuses so short they can barely be recognized.  Their volatile demeanor just presents itself whenever it feels the need to strike without ever taking the time to realize if the reasons for the explosion were even necessary.  I tend to fall into place somewhere closer to the patient variety so it appears fate takes great pleasure in sending me into experiences where my patience will be overwhelmingly tested.

I don’t really understand the mentality of explosive temperaments.  I have a really hard time sorting through the debris at times and then, as a natural benefit to the volatile situation, I place an invisible clamp on my lips.  It can’t be seen but it’s there for a reason and that reason tremendously benefits the “exploder” more than they will ever know.  I learned this behavior at two different times in my life.  The first happened when I was growing up.  I watched as my parents interacted, which, at times involved one of them raising their voice.  The other would say nothing and then remove herself from the situation until the dust settled.

My next opportunity to learn about temperaments happened shortly after I slipped into a white dress, said some vows, ate cake, danced and then moved all of my personal belongings into a house I would share with another person.  Finally, I was an adult and starting the life I had always dreamed of.  Maturity still had some unfinished business that it decided to save for the days following the nuptials.  I’m here to tell you, it didn’t take long to realize it is only possible for one person to get the last word in during an argument.  It was then I realized that person would not always be me.

I’ve read information online about silence and how wrong it is to say absolutely nothing when you’re upset but I beg to differ.  If both people are yelling and screaming and carrying on, I find it incredibly difficult to understand just what can be accomplished.  I honestly believe the volatile types think it’s a win lose situation when, in my opinion,  it’s the exact opposite.  What are the chances of a solution being established when two people are allowing themselves to speak while at their absolute worst not to mention just how badly those hurtful words can damage a relationship leaving scars that will “feel” visible for a very long time.

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