Two Spoonfuls Of Sugar

Today was one of those emotion packed varieties that had me wondering just how much good and bad excitement I could take before I completely lost my grip but then,  something changed.  A  rather serious man walked in the store with two of the most adorable little girls I have ever seen.  I see a lot of cute little girls every day so I’m not sure why these two seemed different to me.  I wasn’t asked for assistance immediately but eventually their father approached me with a request and once the fabric he needed was found we were off to the cutting counter to measure out the required amount.   I was sure I most likely wouldn’t find a lot of things to discuss with this man.  I could tell he wasn’t the chatty type.  He seemed incredibly distracted.  He was very business like and it was easy to see he had no plans of being there any longer than necessary.

His little girls presented a much different picture.  Their little eyes sparkled with every smile and when asked if they were sisters I received a very prompt response.  They were indeed sisters and added that they had yet another baby sister that was at home with their mother.  I told them just how lucky they were to each have two sisters which awarded me a pleasant nod from both as they knew they were lucky.  When the opportunity arrived for me to ask if they loved Frozen they both looked at me and said, “Nope!”  I was a bit surprised but once I digested the response they delivered I asked yet another question.  I decided it was time to find out if they had a favorite movie and they both immediately said, “Yes!”  I had to know and I could feel just how bad they wanted to tell me so I asked and was pleasantly surprised to hear the words “Mary Poppins!”

We talked a bit about that wonderful movie but once the fabric was measured and cut their “all business” father said it was time to go.  As they walked away I couldn’t help but think how much they reminded me of the characters in their favorite movie and a part of me wished, if only for a second, that I had a magic umbrella, a hat with a flower and an opportunity to become their nanny.

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