Thump Thump….Thump Thump

I’ve been sitting at my computer playing catch up on Facebook for perhaps a bit longer than what my shoulders thought I should and they began to let me know it was time to let them relax.  I reclined back on my chair and closed my eyes.  Within seconds the burning sensation began to subside and rather than do what I typically do, I listened to my shoulders and simply relaxed.   I was taken in by all the sounds around me that aren’t always obvious due to the fact that I usually choose to override them with thoughts I sometimes find more important.

The first thing I noticed were the crickets chirping outside the window.  I must say they’re an incredibly dedicated bunch of performers and as they played their infamous “summer night sounds” there wasn’t a single second when they all stopped to take a break.  Next I noticed the fan running on the central air and then I noticed the clock ticking and all of those sounds had one thing in common.  They were all constant.  They were all doing their job and they all reminded me of an earlier experience I had that I will never forget.

Due to the fact that my heart has been doing some rather unusual things, I received the opportunity to hear my very own heartbeat during an ultrasound and I can’t even begin to tell you how incredibly moved I was.  Hearing the blood rushing through those chambers is one of the most amazing sounds I have ever heard.   Have you ever experienced this?  And have you ever stopped to think just how hard your heart is working every second of every day so that you can walk and talk and be someone that is like no one else in the world?   Me neither.  Not until today but after hearing what I heard coming from deep within my chest, it’s helped me to realize it’s time to appreciate what my heart is doing for me and I’ve decided to take my existence just a bit more serious.

Only the Good Lord knows how many beats our hearts will beat so putting off anything that makes us a better person is probably not one of the best ideas we’ve ever had.  I’ve assessed my existence and I’ve known for quite some time that my life isn’t perfect nor will it ever be but I’m so thankful I haven’t allowed a lot of space in my heart for anger.  I’ve known people that have harbored tremendous amounts of anger for years without ever realizing the peace they could experience if they would simply just “let it go.”  We’ve all done some things we’re ashamed of and said a few things we wish we could take back and who hasn’t made some bad choices but rather than dwell in those places shouldn’t we move on and build on the things we’ve accomplished that made us proud?  Shouldn’t we smile more and offer a few more encouraging words and shouldn’t we start now to make better choices by using what we learned not to do from our past experiences when we knew we messed up?   It’s taken a very long time but I’ve reached a point that has helped me to know that I owe it to myself to be who I am even if it isn’t who others think I should be. Those that love me will love me more and those that have tried to change me will become a part of my past.  My last few years have been some of my toughest but I survived.   Those tough times have helped me to see that I am incredibly strong.  They’ve helped me to believe I actually do have the ability to change the world for the better and after literally hearing how hard my heart is working for me,  I know that time is now!


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