Yep, I’m Fuddy Duddy

I just read about a town in Louisiana that is fining people for wearing their pants too low, exposing too much flesh and/or undergarments!  I’m not sure if it’s true as I don’t belief everything I read but wouldn’t it be cool if it was?

This information shifted my overly active thought process into high gear and I started to wonder if similar fines would eventually be imposed for untied shoes, plunging necklines that are leaving absolutely nothing up to the imagination and the overuse of pajamas in public.  Perhaps I’m the only one that notices some of these things but I have to wonder just how far we feel we have to go to make our mark on the world around us.  I can’t even begin to tell you how many shoes I’ve seen untied with feet in them.  I don’t really care but you know who’s going to be sued if “Mr. I’m Too Cool With My Untied Shoes” wipes out due to the fact that he tripped over his own stupidity.

And then there are the females in assorted ages that make conscious decisions to lower their necklines to a place that gives them more of the wrong attention than they will ever know.   Don’t get me wrong, guys love it but they also love having to search for things too and it’s much more fun.   I’m getting a bit more comfortable with showing a tiny amount of cleavage but I won’t ever be the one that will have to worry about an inappropriate slip as those variations in skin color are no where near the places where “fabulous” is flaunted.

I know I’m paranoid and I know I need a more “I really don’t care what people think” attitude and I don’t care if you want to call me an uptight old fuddy duddy but can you honestly say jeans literally hanging on people’s hips haven’t disgusted you just a bit and made you wonder how they stay up.  Haven’t you fought the desire to tie a shoe here or there at least once?   Hasn’t someone’s jiggly, exposed cleavage or vast crevice made you just a little uncomfortable?  And didn’t the one you saw out shopping in her pajamas make you feel lazy and unproductive?  Maybe not.  Maybe you’re one of those types and if you are, so be it.  It takes all kinds to make this world go round but you might want to stay out of that town in Louisiana.  Getting that initial $50 fine for not pulling your pants up might sting but the subsequent $100 fines after your first offense might cut pretty deep into your low riding jeans budget….just sayin!


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