Navigating My Current Theme

If you click on a link via Facebook you might be somewhat frustrated by the fact that you are only able to read that particular post.  With the theme I am currently using there are three dots located at the top of the title for the post you are reading.

If you click on the green dot it will reveal a green stripe with the word “Home” on it.  If you click on it you will be taken to my home page where you will be able to read all of my posts.

If you are wondering where the list of all of my published posts is hiding click on the brown dot that has a flower printed inside it.  It will reveal a list of categories I assign to my posts as well as a few other things you may have been looking for but weren’t sure where to look.

If there is a particular post you would like to access simply click on the pink dot with the magnifying glass on it.  It will magically open a “Search” box for you to type in a title for the post you are searching for.

I hope this information is helpful.   I’ve tried out several themes but I am sort of liking this one so it might be staying for a while.  Thanks for your continued support of my rather quirky view of the world.  Have a wonderful life and don’t forget to respond to my post on Facebook if you are visiting my blog.  The prize will be awarded August 9th and I think you’re going to like it!

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