Do You Know Evelyn, Arlene, Jeremy or Wendy

I’m sure you remember the post entitled “Please Leave A Message After The Tone.”  I shared it a while back telling you all about the messages we’ve received on our answering machine for a woman named Evelyn and a woman named Arlene.  If you haven’t read it you might want to as it contains information that will contribute to the first chapter in the book I may possibly write one day about all the fascinating people our answering machine takes messages for.  Since the very first day Don plugged it in we’ve probably received over 40 messages and I would be willing to bet less than 10 have been for us.  The most recent review resulted in a 5% increase in comments actually left by people we know, which was exciting, but there were still 7 messages that will never receive responses as I finally found the “delete” button and got rather fond of it after listening to all these things that didn’t pertain to us.

Message #1: Yes, this is so and so and I’m calling about the renovations you have planned for your restaurant.  Please give me a call at your earliest convenience.  (We don’t own a restaurant.  We never have and to date, we have no plans to purchase and renovate one. )

Message #2:  Hi, this is so and so calling and I would like to know if you are still interested in trading in your 2008 Ford Taurus. (We don’t own a Ford Taurus.  We never have.)

Message #3:  Scratchhhh….scratch…..scratch…..beeeeeeep! (Messages like this always make me wonder if we were a victim of a butt dialing incident.  Sh!t happens.)

Message #4:  Sorry I missed you.  I’m just calling to see how your new truck purchase is working out.  Let me know if you have any questions!  Thanks! (Neither Don nor I have purchased vehicles for nearly two years.)

Message #5:  Hi Jeremy, I was just calling to see what you’ve been up to.  Give me a call sometime!  Bye! (We’re not sure but perhaps Jeremy is Evelyn’s son and maybe he’s the reason Evelyn needed a lawyer.)

Message #6:  Wendy, we need to talk.  Call me! (We’re thinking Wendy might be related to Arlene and that Mary may have met her when she came to stay here with Arlene.  I sort of recognized the urgency in her voice.  Mary sounded a lot like that during her 4th and 5th message she left for Arlene a few months ago.)

Message #7:  This is blah blah blah auto sales and we’re just checking in to see how that new car is treating you!  Have a great weekend!  Take care! (We own, license and  maintain 3 vehicles but according to our answering machine we also have a 2008 Ford Taurus stashed somewhere we’d sort of like to get rid of and we bought a new car and a new truck within the last month. )

For years I was really good about checking the messages left on the answering machine as I knew they would most likely be from people that were trying to get a hold of me but things just aren’t that way anymore.  Don will most likely never return home after a week of travel and find a “zero” displayed in the messages box on our answering machine but things could always be worse….I could tell him I have multiple personalities and there are times I prefer to be called Evelyn, Arlene, Jeremy or perhaps Mary’s good friend, Wendy!

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