Celebrating The Little Things

There is a gnat keeping me company at the moment.  It’s probably one of the smallest I have ever seen in my entire life which is making it incredibly hard to catch between my two outstretched palms.  A few seconds ago it landed on the computer screen giving me an opportunity to remove it from my presence but I didn’t.  I sat there and stared at it.  It started hovering around my screen again and it will most likely drive me bananas but a part of me sat here completely amazed at how something so tiny could be alive and have wings and the ability to dodge two palms more than a dozen time that were several hundred times larger.

Some may find it odd but there are a lot of little things in this world that amaze me.   I’m not always tickled pink about them, especially if they’re a microscopic gnat that continues to dance around in my face but there are just a whole lot of fascinating details provided to us daily that are incredibly easy to miss out on if we’re not willing to give up a small amount of our time.  Have you ever set aside a few minutes to sit down with your niece to watch how her pet butterfly sucks sugar water out of a napkin?  It’s so cool.  And have you ever tasted the nectar at the bottom of a honeysuckle blossom?  It’s sweeter than you would ever believe.   Have you ever had your mother tell you that she really wonders if you’ll ever look old when you were two weeks away from celebrating your 50th birthday?  It’s something I’ll never forget.  And have you ever sent someone a text that read, “Have I told you lately….” and before you had a chance to send the second text with the rest of that thought, you receive a text that says “I love you more!”

It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day struggles and juggles life has a tendency to deliver but it doesn’t mean there isn’t time to slow the pace, break the rules, really listen to what someone has to say every once in awhile and maybe, just maybe, let someone finish your sentences.  It might end up revealing one of the sweetest, box-less, unwrapped, untied, bow-less gifts you’ll ever receive!


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