One Becky & One Bev

My sister and I have been told we look a lot alike by a lot of people over the years.  Due to the fact that she lives closer to where we grew up and frequently visits some of the towns I’ve worked in, it’s not uncommon for her to run into all sorts of people that think she’s me.  Occasionally I have similar experiences  but there are two times that have tickled both of us and I’ve decided to share them with you.  We also have times when we are clearly on the same wave length and I added that story as a bonus.   I think you will find it chuckle worthy! (Unless you’re our cousin!)

The first one was at a Farm and Home Show quite a few years ago.  Becky and I were both there but not together and if memory serves me correctly one of our cousins walked up to me and started talking.  We knew each other but it wasn’t like we saw each other every day.  He just definitely knew who I was and I definitely knew who he was and we were having a rather nice conversation.  Eventually my sister made her way into the mix and my cousin looked at her, then he looked at me and then he looked at her again and said, in a rather flabbergasted tone, “I thought I was talking to you until you walked up.”  Then he turned to me and said, “Bev, you look more like your sister than she does!”  I’m not sure it’s possible to look more like someone than they look themselves but in his eyes I had definitely pulled it off!  Becky and I still chuckle every time we tell people about that day when our poor cousin was sure there were two Beckys and no Bevs!

The second story happened just this past weekend.  My dear little five year old friend and her family joined us for the fireworks display Don had planned once the sun went down.  You could tell she was getting tired as she didn’t have her usual amount of spunk that we have all grown terribly fond of.  She made it through the fireworks show but it was easy to see she was fading fast.  About the time the fireworks were finished Mother Nature decided to send some rather interesting lightening our direction and due to the fact that I love lightening I decided to see if I would be able to capture any interesting shots with my camera.  I walked out to a place in the yard that didn’t have a lot of trees and began my photo session.   It wasn’t long before my little friend found me and she asked me if I wanted to just go and watch a  movie.  I asked her what kind of movie she wanted to watch to sort of string her along while I took lightening pictures and it was then she told me all she really wanted was to sit on my lap.  I told her I would be done in a few minutes and it was then she said, “Where’s that other one of you?”  Immediately I was pretty sure she was talking about my sister but I had to ask and I was right.  I’m guessing she could see I was going to be a while and I’m thinking she knew her awake time was in short supply and that maybe just maybe that “other one of me” was sitting down with an empty lap!  It wasn’t tough to see that she too, thought Becky and I were one in the same only this time there were two Bevs and no Beckys!

Becky and I share an incredible bond that I treasure.  We often times think alike and it’s not uncommon for us to show up at something wearing the same colors.  We used to get together with one of our cousins and several friends to play games but we were banned from being partners in Pictionary by our cousin as she said it wasn’t fair to the other players.  She claimed we could guess what the other was going to draw before anything ended up on the paper!  The only time we would get stumped was when the subject was Geography.  Becky struggled miserably with land mass locations and everyone knew this.  One of the few times we ended up on a team together before we were banned from being partners, the word “Argentina” was chosen and it was an All Play which meant every team had to give it a whirl.  My cousin laughed hysterically and said to the other players, “This time girls, we have a chance!”  They had a chance until I decided to write the word “Argentina” on my slip of paper.  I’m sneaky like that plus I wanted to see our cousins’ reaction when my sister got it right immediately.  It was wrong to cheat like that but seeing her reaction made it all worthwhile! (It was a really good shocked face.  You would have loved it!  heehee….aren’t I a turd? (No, we didn’t get to advance on the board as I fessed up before the game continued right about the time my cousin insisted on seeing the picture I had drawn that convinced my geographically challenged sister to say Argentina!

Life wouldn’t be fun if it was boring and it wouldn’t be nearly as fun without my sister.  We have a bond that links our hearts and minds together and I wouldn’t want it to be any other way!


One response to “One Becky & One Bev”

  1. I still laugh every time I hear the first cousin story! I can see the look on that shocked face! Also the one in the last story is a keeper! Fun Times!

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