Ruffled Feathers

I’m not sure why anyone should ever have to leave our store in a bad mood and thankfully the forces of nature help me out when someone believes they have a reason to be upset.  Often times the bad mood will appear when their wait at the cutting counter or cash register has been too long.

I was working on freight last night but the cashier had a difficult customer she needed help with and due to the fact that I was the “Manager on Duty” I got to go and smooth out the ruffled feathers, so to speak.  I’m actually pretty good at this most of the time and tonight was no exception.  Before long the customer with those feathers in disarray was flapping her little joy filled wings and headed back into the store to do some more shopping.  While her disastrous situation was being addressed there was another woman at the checkout next to us.  She did end up waiting for a few minutes as there were no other employees I could call and by the time I got over to her, I could see she was a little uptight.  I always attempt to make a bit of casual conversation but the real magic didn’t begin until the very end of this transaction when I typically say, without even the slightest bit of hesitation, “Would you like your receipt with you  or in the bag?”  Last night I said, “Would you like your bag in the receipt?….I mean, would you like your bag and receipt with you?……wait, would you like your bag in your purse?…..okay, I give up.  Do you have any idea what I’m trying to say?” And then we both burst into laughter.  She had the most beautiful smile and left chuckling.

I’m not saying I have all the answers and I’m not saying I can always make people happy as there are some that arrive with their grudges in cement that has already had a chance to harden but I am saying that attempting to stay in a good mood amidst a mood that is anything but is never going to cost you a thing and sometimes that positive energy rubs off on all of those around you and turns a bad situation into one where everybody wins!


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