The Nicest Shade Of Lavender

This world is so full of fascinating people, isn’t it?  Tonight I saw a woman with the nicest shade of lavender hair come strolling through the door of our store.  It was clear she knew what she wanted and where it was.  I didn’t see her again until she was unloading her items onto the counter and I had to chuckle a little on the inside due to the fact that everything she was buying was lavender.   All of her items were related to cake decorating and the lavender thing was most likely just a coincidence but it still tickled me.

I decided to tell her that I used to do a bit of cake decorating years ago.  I commented on the items she was buying and said that I wish they would have had all those helpful tools way back when and then I asked her if she had ever worked with fondant.  She told me she had and then proceeded to tell me that she prefers to make her own due to the fact that it tastes a lot better than the fondant you can buy ready made.  I also learned that she was going to be working on her brother’s wedding cake and then I announced that I was turning the Big 5-0 in July and that I planned to make a birthday cake to bring to work for my co-workers as I was pretty sure they wouldn’t be celebrating with me on that monumental day.  I told her I had always wanted a Barbie cake ever since I was probably 5 years old but it still hadn’t happened.  It’s one of those silly little things I have on my very “Bevitized” bucket list and I suppose I added it when I took a trip down memory lane and stopped off at the memory of a friend’s birthday party and saw that most amazing cake.  Back in those days they poked a whole Barbie in the skirt shaped cake so it was sort of like two gifts in one.  You got to eat the dress and play with the doll once the cake was gone!  To a five year old kid, that was livin!

Once I had the lavender items rung into the register and bagged, the woman with the most beautiful lavender hair turned to walk away.  I thanked her for stopping in and for not thinking I was off my rocker for wanting a Barbie cake.  I also thanked her for the nice visit and we both giggled a bit and right before she walked out the door she tossed a glance in my direction and said, “I’m anything but your average “cookie cutter” type person and I’d like to wish you a “Happy Birthday” early.  You are rockin’ it!

I’m not sure if she realized the joy she added to my day and it really doesn’t matter.   All I know is each and every day we have choices.  We can give everyone a chance no matter what color their hair is or what color their skin is or what clothes they’re wearing and reap some of the most unexpected joys we could ever imagine or cling tightly to what we believe is right and miss out on a whole lot of wonderful!

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